What can be done about Programs that don’t behave right after the computer has been attacked by VIRUS & even Y?

You know I tried to fix the problem, but the VIRUS has gone deeper, & as a result of this I don’t seem to be able to open & close programs properly (Even after Uninstall & Install) . I get Error Message, specially Programs open half way and freeze before even opening the blank page – (programs like Photoshop or Corel Draw) – I know you can put things back together by FORMATTING the computer (Best Way) but there might be a way that even without that procedure the programs i am having problem with open and function, some may suggest that , but I am going to do tht NEXT ! what I need to know NOW is if I can adjust the operating system to make other soft wares work properly! – Thank You

? Favorite Answer

  • **Assuming you are running Windows XP

    If you know when you got the virus I would try to do a system restore.

    . Back up any important documents in case there is a problem with the restore.

    . Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore

    . Chose the newest restore point from before you got the virus

    Hope this works

    Source(s): My PC

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