What can be done in our everyday lives to help save the earth?

Global warming will only keep getting worse.


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  • recycle,turn out the lights when leaving a room,don’t waste water,

    help educate people about global warming and how we can use materials that are more environmentally safe like e85 I believe that our #1 priority should be educating our younger generations to help spread the word about fissile fuels


  • I have to admit I’m already curious to read the answers to this question myself.

    That said,here we go.

    Number one on the hit parade,”What can be done in our everyday lives to help save earth”.

    Are you serious?

    Is this a trick question? It has to be.The answer is way to easy.

    Ok, so your serious.

    Ok. than here’s the serious answer.

    Nothing, not a God damn thing. You can’t save the Earth.

    Earth’s a planet. It’s been here for millions of years.

    And will most likely, (if we don’t blow it to smithereens or it’s hit with a meteorite or some kind of space garbage),it will last for an eternity after the human species is long perished off the face of the earth.

    The simple truth is the planet doesn’t need us to survive it’ll do just fine without us.

    What’s gotta’ be saved is us. The question should read ,

    “What can we do in our everyday lives to save the human species from extinction?” That, you see, is the real question.

    Global warming is one one of the many things capable of contributing to our annihilation.

    I would say that unless a drug company comes up with a pill that cures everything, including global warming +..we’re in trouble.

    Suits have the influence and the resources but their only interest in saving or growing something green is the green color in money.

    Who we vote into office, promise anything and everything to get you to the poles but they already have agendas with supportive corporations and alliences that support their candidacy.

    We, as working class individuals have the power and influence of a sparkler at a fourth of July Fireworks display.

  • ride bikes, this whole global warming is only getting worse becaus we have cars that do this. God intended on us living on this world to survive and to pass it on to the next generation until the human race dies. Not to destroy it quiker. We are trying to find another place for humans to live when the earth is destroyed but we are running out of time because we are destroying this world without a care. The president ignored Algore’s warning of global warming so we can’t depend on him. All the people should work on something together. If we stop making cars we could save envirements of other animals. If we keep this Globel Warming up then we will Live in the mountains and the Mars if possible.

  • I disagree with your assessment. One thing about the Earth is that it is adaptable. For each action which occurs, the Earth will counteract and correct the situation. Such as global warming; many people believe this will cause the breakdown of the Gulf Stream.

    This would cause massive cooling of the Northern Hemisphere thus cooling the Earth perhaps in a violent manner. Granted this would change the climate of various areas. However the human race and the various animal species of the Earth have been dealing with these changes for millions of years. The Earth in these situations was never destroyed. It was not even damaged. The Earth will continue on whether the human race does or not.

  • You can put global warming, Aids, deforestation, pollution, poverty, racism, free market opportunities, etc, etc, etc.on hold.

    If we dont shut down fanatic Islamic terrorism in the next 5-10 years there wont be a civilization left to worry about the problems as the few survivors’ time will be consumed with finding food and shelter.

    There have always been megalomaniacs through out history, but they were using spears, swords, arrows, guns, and bombs. Now they are working on nuclear, and bio chem WMD that will at some point in the very near future destroy our current civilization leaving few survivors.

    They are not playing fair and neither should the free world. I know its not politically correct, but we really need to devote our full effort to this war.

    Even if we are fortunate to be relatively successful it will be a never ending battle due to the advancements in science and lack of development of human nature.

    I am reminded of the 60’s & 70’s Bond and other films where some secret organization held the world hostage.With the recent deveolments in science, medicine, and yes the diffusion of these new knowledges over the web, we are in one heap of trouble, as any small group with a little money will be able to build or bribe and buy these technologies.

    Sadly our knowledge has greatly out paced our moral advancement…maybe thats what happened to Atlantis?

    By the way I dont believe in Atlantis, and am using it only as an analogy.

  • Global warming is the least of our worries. Yes, we should

    all try to do most the things the others have mentioned…all

    good. Crime and corruption is the biggest threat to society

    right now…it is rampant. More and more home additions are

    securing them with gated entrances…and there is a good

    reason for that. Some day, we may not be able to walk on

    the streets for fear of abduction, rape, purse snatching, and

    so on (most of this already going on). We must get back to

    teaching morality in our public schools so the next generation

    will not be doing these evils, otherwise society is rapidly going

    downhill starting with young people, fights, drugs, sex, intimidation,no order in the school class, abortions galore and

    even sports is growing more and more violent. Let’s tackle the

    problems we can do something about now to save the planet

    later; as there is nothing a person can do about the weather and

    the climate anyway.

  • First – recycle religiously. This should include the recycling bin at your curb AND making sure your books and magazines get passed along to another reader.

    Second – if you can afford to change to an energy efficient vehicle do so. Use mass transit if and when you can.

    Third – carpool. If you are a student, do not do as so many do … thinking that once they achieve a driver’s license they have a God given right to drive their own car to school daily. Remember, if a family has 4 kids, and each gets a car when they turn 16, that immediately adds 4 more polluting vehicles to the air, multiplied by EVERY family that produced those kids. Do the math … it is scary! Yes, over population is definately part of the problem … but an educated, environmentally conscious over population would help — no one can be held responsible for their parents irresponsiblity. Striving for 1 child per family (or just adopting some of the abandoned of the world) is a nice goal to aid the problem.

    Fourth – lobby your local, state, and federal governments to pass positive energy bills and to insist on becoming part of the Kyoto Treaty.

    Fifth – educate yourself by hunting on the internet for every possible thing you can do.

    Sixth – use natural cleaning products like vinegar and baking soda rather than highly processed chemical products.

    Seventh – do not strive for a “golf course” lawn … a wild YARD is healthier for the environment. The chemicals that produce the golf course lawn go directly into your local water sources … aquifer, lakes, ponds, streams, you get the idea.

    Eighth – change all the light bulbs in your home and get the more expensive (but ultimately cheaper to use) coiled lights that use less energy. You’ll like your utility bill better too.

    Ninth – eat less beef. The cattle industry is one of the most harmful to the environment … methane produced by cattle is akin to tailpipe pollution, some would say worse. This has always been true and as fast food industry has grown, so has the cattle methane problem.


    Tenth – Use air conditioning less. You can work into this gradually by going to higher temps slowly. It may be difficult to believe, when the temp is over 1 degrees outside, that you can condition yourself to live with it. Move the temp notch into the 70s, then 80s, then switch to box fans and overhead fans. A NASCAR driver friend of mine was having trouble with the temperatures in his car, which can get up in the 120 range for a 4 hour race duration. An “old timer” driver told him to stop using the a/c in his personal street car and to keep the windows rolled up, and then to even turn on the heat during the summer … slowly teaching his body to endure the heat. It worked for him. I would NOT suggest any of us do that unless our work situation required it, but you can train your body to work well without a/c and in quite hot conditions.

    Eleventh – Leave appliances off as much as possible. Microwaving is cheaper and environmentally sounder than baking things for hours in an oven unless you are cooking for a large group.

    Well … that is just a beginning. There are hundreds of things individuals can do to make this a more environmentally safe place. GET OUT THERE and PROTEST what the GOVERNMENTS are doing!! Take the day off from work and picket with others. We’ve become such “lapdogs” because we are tied to paying for “the company store.”

  • Global warming is a myth, like me telling you your child is becoming a giant. Yes it’s gettin warmer but 1/4 of one degree over the last 10 years is hardly something to panic about, to answer your question, NOTHING.

    And DGRHM, how in your first sentence you say to stop politicizing it, then turn around and insult the people on the right. here is your quote,

    “First I think we need to curb the rhetoric and politicizing of global warming. The evidence is pretty clear that the Earth is getting warmer. Second, there is evidence that human greenhouse gas emissions are part of the problem.

    In the US that’s going to be a hard thing to do. Many on the right who get their information from guys like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O’Reilly think global warming is a liberal plot.

    I challenge you to give me your sources on the “clear evidence” that 1. the earth is getting warmer and 2. that humans are causing the problem with greenhouse gasses. You give them and I’m show you where they are wrong, oh yea don’t use that retarded Al Gore movie.

  • One of the simplest things every one can do is to replace one incandescent light bulb with a fluorescent bulb. If every family in America did this it would reduce our CO2 emissions by over 90 million tons annually. That’s like taking 7.5 MILLION CARS OFF THE ROAD. You should also look for energy efficient appliances and try to find things that use little to no energy. Another great thing is to try and buy a hybrid that can get really good gas mileage or buy a vehicle that can run on E-85. Also thinking before you drive somewhere.

    Another thing you can do is lobby your lawmakers to make sure that they are defending the earth and make sure that they are investing money into renewable energy sources. One of the cheapest and easiest to produce is Wind. It’s renewable and the wind farms are actually kind of pretty. Also if you have the money you could put solar panels on your house and that way you become more energy aware. The last thing is to try and recycle or reuse anything you can.

  • Recycle and conserve!!!!!!! Reycle as much paper,cardboard, plastic and glass as you can. If you town has recycling with the trash pick up. do it! Also, look for other ways to recycle.

    Do you throw away things others can use? Find a new home for them. Maybe a friend could use that thing you are done with, or give to a thrift shop. Look into buying things which are used, save money and resources. Everything you buy had to be produced. That means lots of energy, to make it, get it to the store, etc. It probably comes in some sort of package, which you will throw away, more pollution, more waste.

    Use flouresent bulbs in place of regular light bulbs. Walk to school or the store if its not too far away.

    There are lots of things you can do every day.!

  • Turn off your lights when you dont need them and use candles, they are actually very nice smelling and fun to use. Try not to use the TV or your car too much, and try to buy a gas-saver car. Turn off any electronic when not using, including your computer, your lights, TV, and so on. Also, go camping!!!!! Just do whatever you can to use minimal electricity and gas. But you’re asking all about how you can help save the Earth, so there is many topics!!!! You can become an expert on global warming very easily, and many more, you can think about what else to do.

    Source(s): Me!

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