What can the society do to battle crisis like terrorist attacks?


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  • Make it an official unapologetic declared policy to break the countries responsible from within.

    OR just do it and Dinay doing it shamelessly as Pakis and Chinese do.

  • The Society can work together to right the wrongs and no longer repeat the injustices that it once obliged.

    Terrorists have one goal, today, to get media saturation and bring global awareness to a cause. That is the goal, and it has worked for centuries.

    Can you name the people that detonated a device in World Trade Center in 1993. Most people cannot.

    It is this apathy that we,as a Society allow to rule our daily living.

    Now that you know the name, look at what he said in court.

    Yousef stated: “Yes, I am a terrorist, and proud of it as long as it is against the U.S. government and against Israel, because you are more than terrorists; you are the one who invented terrorism and using it every day. You are butchers, liars and hypocrites.”

    What a horrible and twisted way to think about an entire nation or nations of peoples, somehow that mans mind was accepting and believing that you and I are the evils of the world.

    We can do better, we can be better.

    There will always be one that disagrees, stop fueling the hatred and let us not elevate that one psychotic to a rock-star status and maybe we will see a positive result.

    That man Yousef said he was proud to be a terrorist, and we, as a Society, elevated him and his handlers or comrades to global media awareness.

    We can do better, when less or fewer people are so mad at US they want to end the lives of themselves and others, that is what we can do,we can be better.

    If you could name the Terrorist that detonated a device in Oklahoma City, or the terrorist the assassinated Ferdinand, well, let us never forget, then again let us not allow the heinous criminals the status they seek.

    We can do better.

    We can be better.

    /edit, what is on your news screen now? What do you wish was there, make it happen.

  • It is the media that gives them publicity. It is violent films which give them many of their ideas. Planes striking at WTC was shown in a film much before 9/11. Media should exercise more self censorship and consciously focus more on positive news rather than only on negative news and titillating stories as they are doing now. Societies would also evolve to focus less on competition and more on cooperation. But wars have always been there and will always been there. The song ‘We didn’t start the fire, It was always burning since the world has been turning’ is absolutely true. Only the form changes. And the more it changes, the more it remains the same.

  • Be a terrorist to a terrorist

  • To be aware and ge

    t to know neighbors

    and get to know

    people at school

    and work .

    Talk to people and

    report anything that

    seems suspicious .

    Great Q !! 🙂

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