What career do you think suits me?

I’m an incoming freshmen and I already register for classes but then… I had my mind on becoming a pediatrician and they had to deal with medicines. I don’t want to make medicines, I’m a forgetful type. I was thinking about being an Registered Nurse but they deal with medicines too.

What I want to do is help kids under they age of 18. Like comforting them, playing with them, counseling them and make them stay positive. For example, any movies you see with kids in the hospital being all gloomy because they are in pain but there is a nurse by their side making them smile and sorta being a second parenting type. Something like that. Can you help to see what career would suit me? I am hard working person, I may be forgetful but if I study hard enough I’ll get it and I’m sorta looking for a good career with high salary like over or around 65k. Please and thank you.

1 Answer

  • Take a career assessment test, they are given at certain places like high schools or colleges, or take an IQ test it will identify your strong points, analysis, flexibility, time management etc.

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