What causes are most important to you, and what do you do to support them?


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  • Climate change is the most important cause to me; I am very concerned about the issue, have a broad knowledge of the science associated with it and do my part to reduce it as much as I can.

    I drive a scooter (65 mpg) as often as I can, I leave every appliance turned off, pay extra for “green” electricity from my power company, recycle, I am majoring in environmental engineering, and I use my several computers to run climate models for researchers 24/7. I try to always be as efficient as possible in every way, and also do my part to educate others about the seriousness of climate change and other environmental issues, primarily through Yahoo

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    Source(s): By the way, if you are indeed the real Tom’s of Maine, why not consider an alternative to Sodium Laurel Sulfate in your toothpaste? This product has terrible consequences on the environment.39

  • Important Causes To Support

    Source(s): https://owly.im/a91UH

  • I consider this work to be my mission in life, and I feel grateful to be able to do it. I know that sounds pompous, but it’s true! I also support Habitat for Humanity financially and as a volunteer. I help to identify and support our partner families through the whole process. The other major work I do is for the American Cancer Society – the Relay for Life and other financial contributions. I believe that as citizens of the world, each of us has a responsibility to contribute in some way, even if it seems small. Margaret Mead (I think) said, “What we do may seem like a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops.” I’m sure that is not an exact quote, but the essence is there. A good philosophy to live by, and one that sustains me when the job seems too much.

  • The Shriners’ Hospitals for Children are my major cause for support. There are some 22 of these hospitals and they work at giving world class, quality care to children with burn and crippling disorders totally free of charge. There, a family can find comfort and care in the most troubling of circumstance when one of their little ones is struck with one of these life altering problems.

    I have been a Shriner for some eight years now and have found that there is nothing else that I’ve ever done that has been as rewarding or fulfilling on a personal basis. We have to work hard to raise the funds for these care centers for the expenses to run these costs nearly 2 million dollars a day. This keeps us hustling, selling brisket dinner tickets, raffling off pickup trucks and holding all sorts of fund raisers. But, we get to enjoy the company of a lot of terrific people and have some great times as well. I wouldn’t trade it for a single thing that I know !! One trip to one of these hospitals, and one can easily see why we do what we do !!

    ☼ ////

  • school, working with minority and poverty stricken teenagers who have emotional disorders. I consider this work to be my mission in life, and I feel grateful to be able to do it. I know that sounds pompous, but it’s true! I also support Habitat for Humanity financially and as a volunteer. I help to identify and support our partner families through the whole process. The other major work I do is for the American Cancer Society – the Relay for Life and other financial contributions. I believe that as citizens of the world, each of us has a responsibility to contribute in some way, even if it seems small. Margaret Mead (I think) said, “What we do may seem like a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of drops.” I’m sure that is not an exact quote, but the essence is there. A good philosophy to live by, and one that sustains me when the job seems too much.

  • The Rain Forest! I support them with the points I earn on Myyearbook.com! I believe with all the industry and technology that we have today , we can stop killing the trees for buildings and use concrete! Furniture can be made of durable plastic! Little league players use aluminum bats so why not the pros?yes we still need trees for some products such as paper (which is recycable), and is also used for packaging and mail.Of course newspapers are using recycled paper but their demise is the internet and I believe it is a good thing as it saves more trees as more people get the news of the internet.

    The people of this planet need to realize that the rain forest is what not only provides the oxygen we need to live , but also provides the nutrients for other plants with the decay of those that do end their life cycle. They also have an impact on the weather, which is why we are experincing more hurricanes and typhoons! Trees on mountains help to prevent mudslides when heavy storms occur.

    I would like to propose to anyone who reads this post to please plant a tree for the world this holiday season… it is tax deductable and gives the Earth a chance to survive as well! And you will feel good because you put forth the effort just doing it!

    God Bless !

  • I think that little, simple things people do to make the world a better place is really important. Many people don’t get involved in causes not because they don’t care, but because they think it won’t make a different.

    For the environment, simple things like turning off the lights, using less water, and more sustainable, less toxic products is better for our health and our earth. I try to buy more earth friendly and natural products, as well as cheap and effective recipes and remedies. I also try to reuse things more and think of creative ways to turn junk into something useful. I think its an important issue because it is an issue that affects everyone, and we should start caring about it. Everyone’s efforts put together could make a huge difference.

    Another issue I support is poverty. Poverty is another issue that affects many, many people directly, and everyone indirectly. Its unfair that some people were born with little necessities, while others had a lot, which is why we should help those in need. It would improve everyone’s quality of life, and our economy as well. It would reduce human rights issues, such as child labour and sweatshops, which we often have to deal with. To support this, I try to act locally and volunteer in food banks and shelters. I also go to these organization craft sales, where people from developing countries get to sell their work for fair prices. I try to be informed about fair trade. Its hard to make sure what i’m buying wasn’t made unfairly, but being informed and trying makes a difference. Getting more people involved is important. Each person makes a bit of a difference, and together a huge difference is made.

  • Without a clean environment not much else matters. Toward that end I became trained as a volunteer naturalist and worked to help educate myself and others about the wonderful natural world around us and how we could help that world. Lately I’ve become involved in supporting efforts to take action on global climate change. It could stand as the most serious environmental crisis mankind has ever faced. It’s important, then, to do my share, so I’ve been working at reducing my carbon footprint and striving to live more sustainably.

    And toward that end, I support companies such as Tom’s that promote environmental awareness, companies that are “eco-aware” and striving to be good citizens for our planet.

  • I think every cause is worth it!! I ike to support world hunger by sending food to poor people ,I help the environment recycling and using less energy, I support animals by volunteering at a shelter, I also joined here in mexico the Model United nations trying to find answers to the world’s problems, and I also joined amnesty international and when I grow up I would like to adopt a baby girl from Tnanzania and you?

  • 9/11 truth and promoting Peace is my cause at this time.

    I spend time trying to get Official Conspiracy Theory believers to look at the evidence again for themselves and see the truth.

    I started a blog: http://911seekeroftruth.blogspot.com/ .

    I email friends any new updates I find in my research.

    If over 5 world Architects and Engineers can prove that what we were told is a lie, are you willing to look at the evidence? http://www.ae911truth.org/

    I try to discourage people from joining the military. Killing and violence is not the answer and it is wrong. These wars we are in are based on lies.

    Follow the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Let’s work and educate for peace. So people can live this life with dignity and enjoyment.

  • I think every cause is worth it!! I ike to support world hunger by sending food to poor people ,I help the environment recycling and using less energy, I support animals by volunteering at a shelter, I also joined here in mexico the Model United nations trying to find answers to the world’s problems, and I also joined amnesty international and when I grow up I would like to adopt a baby girl from Tnanzania and you?

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