what color for my hair?

pictures of me blond: http://mare-wrath.deviantart.com/art/Autumn-… + http://mare-wrath.deviantart.com/art/Horseplay-…

purple hair: http://mare-wrath.deviantart.com/art/Footsteps-All…

lighter brown: http://mare-wrath.deviantart.com/art/Swing-Swing-S… – http://mare-wrath.deviantart.com/art/Pop-Star-…

black: http://mare-wrath.deviantart.com/art/Hot-Topic-Clo… + http://mare-wrath.deviantart.com/art/Candy-Corn-…

and so on,

im thinking fire engine red, reddish auburn, brown, black – but really, anything. opinions?


I AM blond ght now, but naturally I have really dark mousy brownish/black hair. I think because of my pale skin I look natural with pretty much all natural colors.

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • I looked at all of the pictures,

    and the blond and black hair colors

    make you look too pale and were my least favorite.

    The purple was cute.

    But my favorite was the light brown;

    so I would go with a brown or red shade.Good luck!

  • if your coloration is fading out that quickly, you’re probable utilising a semi everlasting coloration or demi everlasting coloration. you are able to attempt what’s called everlasting coloration, which wont fade yet will advance out with your hair, so each – weeks youd purely could get a retouch. I reccommend going to a salon and having it performed professional quite than procuring keep offered coloration. additionally, i could turn far off from thoroughly black, as quickly because it everlasting black its very frustrating to get the different coloration, including brown. wish this facilitates!

  • I’d go with Black or Blond.

    It seems much more natural, and your eyes would be more noticable. If you do a neon color, people wouldn’t stare at your face, they’d just look at your hair.

    I’d go with a natural Black or Blond.


  • Look at pictures of Hayley Williams. I think you could rock that look. check out..


  • Reddish auburn! ud totally AMAZING wit all of those red and brown highlights! Its always been my fav hair color!

  • i dnt think u shud dye your hair because blondes have beautiful hair but if u did i would get a red with a tint of orange in it.

  • Black all the way

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