What do you think is the main reason why people made up the bible and told everyone it was true?

I think it’s probably because they wanted to control other people, give people hope or make a couple of bucks off of selling it. What do you think? This question is for people that no the bible is a senseless myth filled with gaps, contradictions and fallacies.


Santa Exodia, Read the last sentence to my question.


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  • It was all to do with control. Without a work of fiction like the bible scaring everyone into acting with honour and respect it would have been quite a lawless society. The threat of damnation in the afterlife proved a formidable tool with which to threaten people into acting a certain way.


  • 1) What do you think is the main reason why people made up the bible and told everyone it was true?

    Because it’s true.

    2) I think it’s probably because they wanted to control other people

    That is not reasonable. If that was the purpose, why would the people who put the bible together include all of the regulations demanded only of the Jews – regulations which those who put the bible together and the bible itself explicitly excuse their followers from having to obey? To put it another way: why would Christian leaders attempt to control their Christian followers by including all of the Jewish laws in the bible and instruct their followers that those laws were not applicable to them? Clearly, control was NOT the purpose.

    3) give people hope

    This is most certainly one of the reasons for putting together the bible.

    4) make a couple of bucks off of selling it

    Extremely unlikely. The first proto-bibles were not “for sale”, nor was there any effort to mass-produce them and sell them at a profit. Only later were bibles produced with the intent of selling them to the wealthiest congregations (only the wealthiest churches could afford a bible in the early days). It was only *much* later that hordes of monks were employed in duplicating the bible by hand so that they could be offered for sale at a price the very wealthy individuals and moderately wealthy churches could afford to the educational benefit of purchaser and monetary benefit of supplier.

    5) This question is for people that no the bible is a senseless myth filled with gaps, contradictions and fallacies.

    You haven’t read it, have you? Oh, well – I answered the question in order, before reading the entire thing.

    Jim, http://www.bible-reviews.com/

  • As always, I’m astounded by the level of ignorance and intellectual dishonesty that surrounds this subject.

    To deny the validity of The Bible and to assert that people just “made it up” is to publicly declare your willful ignorance.

    Most ancient books have only one or two manuscripts that prove their authenticity, but The New Testament alone has over 5,7. There are no myths contained in The Bible. Those who say such things don’t even know what a myth is. There are also no contradictions or fallacies.

    Yes, we’ve all seen the lists that supposedly document The Bible’s contradictions. Even though critics love to copy and paste them as proof, I assure you the claims are invalid. Every one of the supposed contradictions has a legitimate explanation.

    Posts like yours are nothing more than senseless appeals to other ignorant atheists, in attempt to unite against the things you hate the most ~ God, His Word, and His people.

  • I truly hope you are able to find God before it’s too late! Have you ever read the Bible or know anything at all about it? From your question it seems like you know very little about it. I would suggest reading it and knowing more about it before asking such a ridiculous question. The Bible was written over SO many years and by so many different people, not to mention all of the prophecies that were fulfilled. The Bible is not senseless and does NOT contradict itself ever. I’ll pray for you and that you are able to find the truth!

  • job security.

    in the beginning there were only two professions, hunter and gatherer. the third only came about after the first food surplus. the priest created the original pyramid scheme “bring the gods a sacrifice of food and get 5 friends to do the same.” and since then religion has just been a leach to the rest of us hunter and gatherers who contribute to society. so the bible was written when Christianity already had an eager following- they just were waiting for a book to tell them how much to pay each week to live forever (*spoiler alert* its 10%).

    Source(s): -Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies. (Romans 8:33)

    ::hand raised::

  • The Bible wasn’t written as one whole book to begin with. And I seriously doubt they sat down together and said “we’re gonna make this **** up”. Example – look at Genesis… there are 2 accounts given for the “beginning”. It’s easy enough to see that it was merely 2 stories for the same “event”… and the people writing it most likely believed their God created everything, but I doubt they believed that Adam and Eve were actual people. Instead it was merely a story to give their people a beginning they could understand. And they certainly didn’t sell their “holy writings”. I’m sure some wanted to use the writings to control others… the book of Deut is a prime example.

    If you’re going to attack it, at least know how it came to be. They didn’t start selling bibles till the last 2 yrs, so they weren’t making money off of it by selling it (hell, we didn’t have THE BIBLE till damn near the 6th century anyway!!!!!). Not everyone uses the Bible to control others either. It’s a mix of ALL of that and more. But I very seriously doubt the writers were making it all up. I’m sure they did believe in the God they were writing about…. but when it came to wars, etc… they added their own “God told me” to justify their actions… and to keep their own ppl from turning against them.

  • just because you don’t believe in it, doesn’t mean that the Bible is not true.

    and who ever said that yahoo answers are only for people who believe that the Bible is a senseless myth filled with gaps, contradictions and fallacies?

  • But people did not make up the Bible and it is true. Why don’t you atheists believe history?

    All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) ~ So you should live right, which is according to God’s word.

    For the word of God is living (quick) and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, … and is a discerner (fit for judging) of the thoughts and intents of the heart (the soul or mind). (Hebrews 4:12) ~ That means even what we think, or just intend to do, is judged by and should line up with God’s word. ~ And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked (exposed) and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account (answer or explanation in reference to judgment). (Hebrews 4:13)

    The truth is in Jesus: That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind (that means change your thinking), and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. (Ephesians 4:22-24)

    I beseech (to encourage, to instruct) you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present (show, prove) your bodies a living sacrifice, holy (be a saint), acceptable to God, which is your reasonable (logical) service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed (changed) by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1,2) ~ So be holy by learning what the word of God says.

  • The Bible is not a work of fiction, but is taken from true accounts which took place when people’s interpretation of different occurrences had more of an impact on how they thought the rest of the world would interpret it so that it would have them believe that the not understood would make more sense when put into a context where it appeared as if an act of God.

    You can’t take the Bible literally, but you must use your own interpretation to help you understand that which seems to have no scientific reasoning,

  • Because life is scary

    and hard

    and short

    and painful sometimes

    and lonely sometimes

    and inexplicably complex sometimes

    and a steady loving God is comforting,

    and a reason to do things that run counter to my selfish inclinations,

    and a reason to hope when I can’t think of a reason to,

    and a place to take my battered scarred,toxic self to and be told I’m not really so bad, just willful and mistaken.

    What was it you prayed for with all your might and didn’t get that has turned your heart ?


  • It was not written by man. It is inspired by God. The things written in it are so precise to be written by man. It describes the earth being like a ball, the history is all true, the prophecies that are being full-filled today are amazing and the prophecies of the future make sense. It will only mean nothing to you if satan has won your heart or blinded you. It is very simple, what you already know in history, check it in the bible and you will see it.

    Source(s): Bible

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