what do you think of a year old girl with body peircings?

like nose studs, septum rings , plugs , belly button studs , lip rings , top of the lip rings (I don’t know what they are called ) .. on a year old girl , my daughter wants one of them

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  • i got my nose pierced when i was my mom took me, now and still loving it.

    she is too young for a septum ring (: i want that now and like i said

    i have my lip pierced also – then

    belly button rings are fine also.

    but thats just me (: all familys do it different. so if your comfortable doing it then why not, its a piercing and if she doesnt like it it will heal up, unlike tattoos which are there forever 😛



    To simple advice for simple people:

    My nose stud had NO PROBLEMS, NEVER AN INFECTION! it healed BEAUTIFULLY. it was the easiest piercing ive ever had. easier then all of my ear piercings. i know so many of my friends with their nose pierced and heard no complaints of infection or anything, but ive heard so many about cartilage piercings. it doesnt look trashy if you have a small diamond stud, not noticeable like at all. i dont have the gothic look, im actually pretty girly looking. and a piercing doesnt make you look trashy its how you go about using it and how you portray yourself


    if you have any questions about it, or the care of it. please feel free to message me

  • Ears (two on each max), and a small nose stud. Maybe at / a belly button one. for the rest though. I think anything else looks really stupid on a year old. They would just get laughed at. Trust me, I would know. Please don’t let her have the ones I haven’t mentioned until she is a bit older. Cringe! Good luck xxx

  • It depends on the piercing. A nose stud is a tasteful addition to a girl’s look versus a “snake bite” (multiple lip rings) that tends to scream insecurity. Choice is yours, but if she would like to put a small shiny object above her top lip or on her nose and you have no objections then there is no harm. Oh, consider the social implications though. If she is the youngest to have one, her friends may use her precedent and cause you some commotion. A papercut runs you the risk of infection, don’t listen to people like that. is years away from initiating a life of driving. I wish people would gain some perspective rather than mindlessly spew out of date memes. Times are changing and rock was once the devil’s music.

  • In my opinion, a septum ring would like ridiculous on a year old girl. A lot of girls have a nose stud. Keep it small and simple while shes young.

  • i like the nose rings, belly button studs, monroes (top of the lip), but none other u mentioned, regardless of age

  • a lip or nose is really ok, dont let her get a septum or toung or eye borw, shes to young, but theres nothing wrong with lip or a nose stud and belly is ok too

  • I and many others, are of the opinion that nose rings are very trashy.

    Especially on a year old girl.

    Do NOT let her do it. It is disgusting anyway, opinions aside.

    It can be a risk for infection, since your nose is designed for all sorts of disgusting bodily fluids to be running through, would you really want to be sticking some foreign object in there?

  • I think girls younger than sixteen with piercings other than the nose or ears looks trashy. Piercings are restricted to adults for a reason, and letting your little girl get them is making it even easier for her to grow up too quickly – don’t you think kids grow up fast enough?

  • You would actually let your daughter ruin her face at age ? Sure she thinks its cool now but what if she doesn’t want it later.

    It looks trashy on anyone at any age.

  • um personally i wud say anything but ya clit…lip wud be good or ibrow…hopes dat works

    Source(s): guessing

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