What does this recurring dream mean?

When I was younger I would always have this recurring dream, I haven’t had it in years but I had the same dream most nights for years. The dream was I woke up in my bedroom and I heard banging, I knew what it was, it was a monster after me walking up my stairs, I would always run into my bathroom which for some reason had shelves with colourful chemical elements in, I would hide behind the wall, and the banging would get louder and then I would see the monsters fingers from around the door and then I would wake up in real life sweating and terrified. It would be great if I could get some meaning of this dream.

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  • Hi Jack,

    Let’s see what you’ve got…

    Dream opens by commenting on something you became aware of (“I woke up”). It may have been something you were not thinking about before because you were at rest (“in my bedroom”). Dream talks about something you heard (“I heard banging”). Dream says you know what it is (“I knew what it was”) and what it means.

    “Monsters” are the things which haunt us, they are fears in the emotion. Whatever it is, the dream says you’ve been thinking about it (“walking up”) and you may be focused on it (“stairs”). Perhaps, some steps must be taken. Running into the “bathroom” is a sign that you need to eliminate something in your life. But, you are going in there to hide, so it is something you want to avoid here. Something is stocked (“shelves with colorful chemicals”). Looks like drugs of some kind (“chemicals”)

    There is a barrier here (“hide behind the wall”). It is to prevent something. However, whatever you’ve heard is becoming more and more prominent in your thoughts (“banging would get louder”). For some reason, the dream says it may be back (“fingers from around the door”).

    May I ask if you are or were taking medication for something?

    PS: Recurring dreams mean that this issue is something you have yet to resolve so, it keeps coming back to mind.


  • Your maybe hiding something in life that someone knows and will find it out eventually. Or it’s just a chemical reaction in your brain.

  • The monster represents depression and addiction or fear of life in general. You hide behind colorful chemical substances but the monster still manages to get inside.

  • That happens to me too! I have no idea what it mean though 😛 I had this horrible dream when I was a kid of being on a tour with my family in a cave and they warned us about an evil creature there an whenever we heard her laught to just run. But U forgot something and ran back and she was right beside me. I always woke up at that point with the same reaction as you!!

  • well lets say the monsters life and the bathrooms your mind and because you where so young you thought way to much about the Future but you didn’t know it and by the way I’m only ten and I have no idea where all of that came from to be honest.

    being young

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