What DON’T you like about When Life Gives You Lemons…?

Bitten from Henry’s questions about great artists, I’m askin a series of questions about what everyone dislikes about great albums.

Normally I would list all the things I don’t like about this album, but I’ve heard a lot of people talk down on this album and I really don’t understand it. This album is amazing in my opinion, and even though there are some things i dislike about it, I wanna here everyone else’s opinion first. Anyone wanna provide a basis for their argument?


?✅ Favorite Answer

  • I love it, The only thing I don’t like is the skinny. Sh!tty song

  • its nerd rap…no edge or anything just something tht theyre trying put meaning into…which they should switch rock do tht. not tht theres no meaning in rap but i like ppl like canibus and immortal technique who can give it a hardcore edge…atmosphere is for softies.

  • The song “you”

  • ???

  • See also  What is the name of this classical song?

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