What has been your most paranormal or most bizarre experience?

I have had several experiences that would defy material science.


I will add some details before I choose a best answer

Update 2:

I met my wife through a ghostly intervention. (I was supposed to meet her that day anyway) while I was playing a video game to pass the time, the TV turned off, I turned it on again and continued to play, 5 min. later it turned off again, I turned it back on. About 5 or so min. later I spoke out loud “Is it time for me to leave?” and the TV turned off again. We have been together for 8 years now, with a happy healthy little boy…..

Once, when I was approximately 15 years old in south-eastern backwoods Mississippi, during a very warm summer night, I said to myself…”The dogs need water”…I walked around the backside of the house, facing a small dense wooded area, and I saw a square craft as big as our house lift up, inside I saw bipedal, humonoid entities. I wanted to speak but was unable to move….

After moving into our home,and alone, I heard 3 loud raps coming toward the master bedroom, from same room, I heard beautiful classical music. (I listen to country and southern rock)

Update 3:

While working as a security guard in Gulfport MS, I was stationed at a government building, as I was making my rounds, I heard footsteps running fast up behind me, loud enough for me to duck and cover…I turned around and there was nobody there.

I found out later that the building was a former WWII hospital.

Update 4:

In the same house that I had the TV turn off for me, my brother saw a disembodied arm waving for him to follow.

Update 5:

While in the Army, stationed at Ft. Stewart, GA. and living off post, I was called by a friend to spend the night with her, as she was hearing some strange noises. As we were going to sleep, something pounded on the ceiling, I asked her if that was what she had heard, and she said “No, that is a new one”. A good part of the night was spent with noises going around the outside of the house. While laying in bed, I experienced my only case of vertigo, and a feeling from within my solar plexus of being pulled downward, like from a rope.

We found out later that the area had been a civil war cemetary.


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? Favorite Answer

  • Take your pick, there is so many-

    My television in my living room always turns to channel 2 at the same time every night, it turns to the Christian Channel.

    My t.v. in my old bedroom once turned itself off and there was no timer set on it.

    My phone makes the very faint ringing sound at 12:11 a.m. every night.

    One night when I was on the phone, my friend and I both heard this sound like the chuckee doll laughing it was so freakishly weird.

    When I was eight years old I was in the shower and I started seeing scratches appear on me out of no place. I watched as one after another just came into exsistence.

    When I was a baby I use to tell my parents bad man, bad man, keep in mind I was only one years old, had never seen a horror movie, didn’t understand much of anything but I’d just be lying in my crib playing or laughing and out of no where I’d start crying, crocodile tears, screaming my lungs out, saying bad man mommy.

    This story isn’t exactly paranormal but it’s totally weird. I was a only about 4 months old when my moms car broke down in the middle of the street. I was sleeping and my mom didn’t want to wake me up so she took my car seat out and attempted to cross the road carrying my car seat. She tripped and fell and my car seat went flying across 3 lanes of oncoming traffic. When my mom was finally able to get up and walk over to me she saw that my car seat was right side up and I was still asleep. I survived without so much as a scratch.

    Source(s): Oh and p.s. I sometimes have dreams and they come true.

  • ignore approximately all the people who havn’t had reports or know-how approximately this. they are going to be of no authentic help and interior the tip, you will nonetheless have notwithstanding situation there is. Now a kin member of mine has presently got here across that he can experience issues. he’s often had it, yet we’ve only in the near previous got here across what it replace into. presently after my son replace into born i began being waiting to experience issues. i will not be able to extremely do what HE does, yet i’m getting a feeling each time i’m being warned approximately some thing i think. i do no longer completley realize it yet. nicely, the sensation replace into only approximately consistent and that i replace into afraid for my kin so we blessed the abode. We did no longer smudge like tomb raider mentioned, yet we offered some blessed oil from a christian e book shop. we would placed some oil on our finger and draw a bypass over ever door, window and archway. notwithstanding if that is a clost, you will desire to do it. actually ever window and door. whenever you draw the bypass, say a prayer to maintain evil out. Ever because we did it, I sensed issues much less usually. it may no longer unavoidably save each and everything out, yet whilst it works, then it is going to do away with the evil.

  • Although I’ve had several inexplicable things happen to me in my life this is the most recent. My friend had two cats and one recently died.

    Teetzie was a grey tiger cat. This was probably the most loving little

    creature I have ever known. She had grown sick then got better and then got sick again. We’re not sure what it was but apparently the second time was to much for her. As typical with cats she discreetly crawled off someplace dark and secluded and made a quiet check out.

    He found her a few days later under the stairwell in his shed. He removed her and had a little goodbye rite and buried her out back. His boys handled it well even though they had had her for most of their

    lives. Ten and five yrs I believe. He told me the next time I came over

    and showed me her grave. Later that day not taking it hard as she was no longer suffering, I walked into the shed to get a tool and here

    comes Teetzie like she always did to get a scratch or rub that I’d always give

    her when I saw her. I said hey girl and proceeded to get the item when I realized that cat is dead. I turned around to see her and she wasn’t there! Creeped me out for a sec. but I guess it was just her

    way of saying hi and perhaps goodbye.

  • Now, I have yet to find an explanation for what happened so I figure it is “paranormal”.

    I was home alone all day long one day because my mom and sister went Christmas shopping. My dad was at work. I was upstairs on the computer talking to my friends on chat. I had let my dog outside and went to go turn up the TV because my favorite song was on and he was lying on his pillow. So I was very confused. About an hour later my dog wanted out so I let him, an hour later I let him in. A few 5-10 minutes later I went looking for him and couldn’t find him so I looked outside and there he was on the deck. Was weird.

    Another day I was on the computer (again) and I heard something fall into the sink (like the scratching of metal against metal). I went to the sink to make sure a spoon or fork wasn’t lying on the bottom because my mom doesn’t like that. There was nothing in there. I went back to the computer and a few seconds later looked towards the living room because it sounded like someone was walking in there (the sound of socks against carpet). There was no one.

  • Sorry, none. Although I consider this existence, us being here on a big globe in the middle of nowhere, even the ability to comprehend this reality as reality as sort of paranormal. I mean what science has complete explanation for that. To me that is the most paranormal.

    I’ve had many lucid dreams, even doing the butterfly effect and altering a parallel universe but after so many times I don’t consider it paranormal or “strange” any more.

  • when I was 19 I was about to go to sleep on a couch in my mom’s down stairs basement. As I was about to fall asleep my brother came downstairs and turned off a light that was in the laundry room so the basement itself was totally dark except for a light at the top of the stair well so after my night vision adjusted I was able to see pretty well.

    Any how my brother goes back upstairs and into his room. I can hear him do this so I know he not in the basement. My sisters were gone so they were not in their rooms either. I was the only one in the basement. I was about to go to sleep when I turned on my side and I noticed a shadow figure and it approached. Ok I’m talking about a human looking figure walking up to me. It stood right next to me while I laid on the couch. I could even hear it breath or make a breathing like sound. This lasted about 10 seconds. I figured it was my brother messing with me so I got up and was about ready to kick its ***. But as I got up the thing walked (I could see it walk) away from me and disappeared into the wall.

    Now I’m about as rational a human being as you can be. I am known among my friends for my “volcan logic”. I wasn’t high, drunk and I’m not crazy. I know I saw something. I don’t know what it was, but I did see something. That was the only time I saw it but after I told my family about it they were not suprised because they had already experienced it themselves on more than one occassion.

  • I don’t get it this is you show me yours I’ll show you mine? I’ve had way to many to tell as well but I will simply say this if anyone thinks that paranormal is fake or make believe they are like the early man who believed the world was flat, look like the notion that we are the only beings in this Universe of any high intelligence their idiots! I can’t wait to here your shared experience and you got quiet a few great experiences share on here bravo!


    Funny and true story as I was reading the shared experiences and had read most of them my home phone that is like 1 foot away from my face rang and I jumped as if a lightening bolt had struck me it was so funny I was so scared! And I have had my own share of paranormal experiences it was just so funny! Chow…

  • Catching children’s school administrators in a cover up.

    I didn’t believe it could happen. It is quite surreal.

    Actually i have had a few. Once i was living on an indian reservation in a house were a young man committed suicide. i was feeling real down. Just down on myself and my situation. Then i heard this voice clear as any sound could be. With no “body” around it said

    “STAND UP!!” just like that.

  • my parents house has always been weird, even now. my friends brother saw an old lady waving from my bedroom window. he was so scared. lipstick has shot across the room in my mums room, it was on the tele and flew half way across the room. but my bizarre experience was when my mum was in the bath and i was in the kitchen and i saw someone walk past the kitchen door in white. i started talking thinking it was my mum in her toweling robe but i didnt get an answer so i went to look for her. she wasnt down stairs at all, she was still in the bath. i have also woken in the night to my bed vibrating, i have experienced paralysis and woken with my duvet cover lifted half up in the air, also i have woken in the morning to find that my bed is at a different angle. from the age of 16 i had to sleep in my parents room for about 4 months on the camp bed as i was petrified.

  • It was Halloween night in our local bar and the night was young, my friends and I were out. It was night of people being dressed up for prizes. I was ordering my first drink when this guy dressed up like Satan – tail and all came up to me. In a real sexy tone of voice he said `Hi! How are u doing tonight. I dont recall what I said, however later – I got very curious about 15 minutes later, who was this guy. Thinking it was an old classmate. I could not find that guy anywhere in the pub! Being a model, I was use to guys coming up to me out of the blue. I often wonder who I really saw that night.

    In a trailer court:

    One night we heard the neighbour freaking out in the trailer courts where we lived in the reservation. Glass breaking, yelling going on and children crying. Suddenly the lights were off next door and everyone was gone, the party ended. Suddenly beside our trailer court in the dark, we could someone crying. There was nobody around. I only saw security out there, they were checking up on the place next door.

    Four of us heard the crying.

    In the same trailer court:

    One summer night, beside our bathroom – our cats hair suddenly stood up and it arched its back. I went to check – on the bath tub was a bar of soap. Suddenly the bar of soap flew up in the air and landed in the middle of the floor. Someone threw it, otherwise on a normal event it would have slid off.

    When I was a young child about 3 years old, this old lady use to come and play with me. We use to play dress up and I remember her heels quite well.

    When I was about 7 years old, the night my grandma died from cancer. My parents were drinking, a rough guess it must have been about 4am. This lady came singing at the foot my bed. We had no phone so we did not know Grandma died until later on that day.

    Near the reservation:

    It was Easter time at the lake, when 6 of girls were having a picnic in an isolated area. Suddenly a black cadillac pulls up, shiny with tinted glass. All the girls freaked out – started screaming and ran into the bushes. I decided just to sit by the campfire. The cadillac drove by, went and turned around at the lake. It felt real creepy but I just sat there trying to be brave.

    We packed up our picnic and all of us girls jumped into the car. While I was driving , my sister noticed that there was only our set of tracks – there was only one way to get into that site. I told her to shut the #$% up because I did not realize how freaked out I was too, like a delayed reaction.

    From the stories I am hearing, this is not the first time a car like this has been seen in this area.

    Girls night out:

    We were visiting in this one town on a Sat night so we were out to party that night. At this party, my buddy and I were the only ones to see this man sitting beside the entrance of the door. All the people at the party said they did not notice or see this man. My buddy and I assume that this man was someone’s friend at the party, This man did not talk to anyone at all. I noticed this guy did not interact with anyone at all, more or less just sat there.

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