What if the Chinese stop Gravity from the moon?

We all know the moon landings were faked for CBS because landing on the moon is impossible. But with the release of the footage of apollo 18 secret mission by NASA there is some speculation that the Chinese as well have landed on the moon secretly. Are the Chinese planning on putting some device ont he moon to control gravity for leverage in the worlds economy?

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? Best Answer

  • We’re going to need to know where you meddling kids found out about our unscrupulous plot….
  • have a few questions:
    1. How would controlling gravity on the moon affect the world’s economy?
    2. If the Chinese could control gravity, why would they put a device on the moon, why wouldn’t they just do it right here on Earth?
    3. If landing on the moon is impossible, then that “secret Apollo 18 mission” couldn’t have landed on the moon either, and so the Chinese wouldn’t be able to land on the moon. You can’t have it both ways – either its impossible or its possible (and then your entire argument is irrelevant, ain’t it…)

  • I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to control gravity… But what would I know? Maybe they did land on the moon secretly, who knows. It could have been faked. There are many possible answers to this question, though none are certain. One thing I CAN say is that you should not be concerned about it. If it were to ever happen, the government would at the least try to stop it. But if they want to get any higher in the world, they should probably realize that communism is holding them back. Before I get anymore off subject, cheers and hope this helps !


  • the moon landing were real, they took pictures of the landing sites from obit with a satellites and all the supposed conspiracy theories were busted by “Mythbusters”.

    No one has technology to stop gravity.

    Im assuming you’ve watched “Apollo 18” guess what, thats fiction 🙂

  • Sorry to burst your bubble but the majority of educated people know we DID go to the Moon. I worked on the Apollo project Forrest. Do yourself a favor and get an education. You might try some reputable sites to get your information. How pathetic of uneducated people to make such claims.

  • I highly doubt that the moon landing (by any country including China) will happen anytime soon, at least not within the 21st century. I know some people will immediately get emotional and start calling names like “Hoax Idiots” but am I not entitled to express my honest opinion ?….

  • Illogical question.
    Gravity can not be stopped, by Chinese or not Chinese.

  • hahahahahahahahahahah I can’t breath…. hahahahahahahahahahahah

  • Lol, this is hilarious…

  • So many things you think you know – – – but don’t.

  • Any reason why the ..moons gravity and not the Earths..?

  • Your mother must be very proud.

  • LOL.

  • I met a Chinese guy once. He was alright, eh.

  • Drugs are bad, m’kay?

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