What is going on in outer space right now? What would we see if we were observing it from a space ship?

Would we just see comets and meteors flying by in a dark place? And black holes sucking light up ? And stars twinkling in the distance? And what controls all this? How do things move in outer space if no life to control it? How would planets and everything form randomly?


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  • You’d see a lot of nothing. Most space is just that, empty space. Stars only appear to twinkle here because we’re looking at them through about 1 miles of air. Stars seen in space would not twinkle at all, they’d just be pinpoints of light. Other than the fact that they would not twinkle it would be absolutely no different than looking up on a dark night. Black holes do not “suck up” light or anything else. They’re only dense gravitational objects. They don’t “suck up” things anymore than the Earth “sucks up” meteors. Gravity controls it. Gravity acts over infinite distances. Why would there need to be life to control things? That’s a very childish view of things. Planets and everything do not “form randomly”. They form out of clouds of dust and gas that get compressed for some reason, often times a star passing a little too close, or a supernova nearby. Experiments on the ISS have proven that static electricity is the biggest factor at play in the early phases of planetary development. Static electricity brings particles of dust and gas together until the clumps get big enough that gravity begins to play a bigger role. Then it’s a runaway effect and planets form. It’s really not that complicated. Nothing, at all, other than natural forces drive or “control” any of it.

  • We would witness the earth dying at the hands of humans!!!!

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