what is the fastest first-year growing bamboo with highest yield?

what is the fastest first-year growing bamboo with highest yield?

i am planning on growing inside (I have super tall ceilings), so zone doesn’t matter. I know of moso and other super-fast growing bamboo plants but those take years to establish. Me, being an impatient person, don’t want to wait that long. so basically which bamboo is the fastest to reach feet? i don’t wanna have to wait for others root structures to develop which is – years before giant timber will develop (and I can’t afford a small plant they are quite expensive).

Thanks everyone!! 🙂

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  • ‘Oldham’s Bamboo’, or ‘Bambusa oldhamii’, also known as Giant Timber Bamboo/ 绿竹/ Chang Zhi Zhu/ Lu Zhu, is perhaps the fastest growing bamboo species, under optimal conditions. Very rapid growing, ‘Bambusa oldhamii’ is also a very prolific and hardy bamboo species.

    Oldham’s Bamboo plants generally are propagated by growing from branches or single-node sections of stalks, primordial root/ rhizome structures developing at – weeks. After primordial root structures have developed, vertical growth is ~cm/inch per day, depending on growing conditions of water, sunlight, warmth, and nutrient.

    Oldham’s Bamboo is a clumping/ pachymorphic species of bamboo, and once established, new nontapering stalks, or ‘clums’, are put forth from the root structure. The new clums are ~.cm/inch in diameter, and attain a height of ~cm/inches within days, and a height of ~cm/inches in days, depending on growing conditions. With favorable growing conditions and moderate space to increase the rhizome system, multiple clums with diameters of cm/.in and heights of meters/feet are typical in – seasons.

    ‘Bambusa oldhamii’ has been observed to grow at a rate of up to cm/in per day with optimal growing conditions. Maximum height attained is ~m/ft, with maximum clum diameter ~cm/in, and is determined somewhat by temperature and availability of water.

    Oldham’s Bamboo/ ‘Bambusa oldhamii’ is a very widespread species, and is hardy, readily available, fast-growing, and prolific.

    Source(s): Agriculture, Tropical Agriculture, and Tropical Forestry

  • Moso Bamboo Growth Rate

    Source(s): https://shrinke.im/aGZ

  • All bamboo is fast growing, the average being feet total. Running Bamboo?

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