The Ultimate Guide to Public High School Dress Code: What to Wear and What to Avoid

Dress codes in public high schools are designed to create an atmosphere of respect, safety, and academic focus. Every school has different policies, but there are some general guidelines that can help students choose appropriate attire for school.

Shirts and Tops

Most public high schools require that students wear tops that cover their torso. Shirts with straps of at least two inches in width are usually acceptable. Tank tops and halter tops are usually not allowed. Many schools also require that shirts and tops have a collar, and that students not wear clothing that has inappropriate images or language.

Pants and Skirts

Most public high schools require that students wear bottoms that cover their legs. Pants, skirts, and shorts of appropriate length are usually acceptable. Leggings and tight-fitting clothing may be allowed, but they often must be worn with a top that covers the student’s backside. Shorts, skirts, and dresses should generally be no shorter than mid-thigh. Jeans and sweatpants are usually allowed, but they must not have holes or rips.


Most public high schools require that students wear shoes that cover their feet. Shoes with laces, buckles, or straps are usually acceptable. Flip-flops and other open-toed shoes are usually not allowed. Students may be required to remove their shoes in certain areas, such as science laboratories.


Most public high schools allow students to wear jackets, coats, and other outerwear in the hallways and classrooms. However, these items must be removed when entering certain areas, such as the cafeteria or gymnasium. In addition, outerwear must not contain inappropriate images or language.


Most public high schools do not allow students to wear hats, hoods, or other headwear inside the building. This policy is intended to ensure that students can be easily identified by school staff. Headwear may be allowed in certain areas, such as the cafeteria, but it must be removed when entering other areas.


Most public high schools do not allow students to wear jewelry, such as necklaces, rings, and bracelets. This policy is intended to ensure that students are not distracted by jewelry, and that items such as rings do not get lost or damaged. Watches and small earrings may be allowed, but they must not be distracting.


Most public high schools do not have a specific policy on makeup, but they may require that makeup not be excessive or distracting. Makeup should generally be natural-looking and appropriate for school.


Dress codes in public high schools are designed to create an atmosphere of respect, safety, and academic focus. While each school may have different policies, the general guidelines outlined above can help students choose appropriate attire for school.

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