What is the main problem why SOLAR ENERGY cannot be used WIDELY for domestic purposes?


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  • The solar energy in form of heat is used to heat water that is almost become common now. Apart for for it we have solar cookers and solar furnace. The draw backs are the energy should be utilized only in day time and also if it is cloudy we get less amount of energy.

    Regarding electricity, to convert solar energy into electrical energy we need silicon cells and costs more when we want more amount of energy. Also we need a battery to collect electricity that we generate and battery technology had it own limitations so all this makes solar energy yet to be deployed for domestic use

  • Solar Energy For Domestic Use

    Source(s): https://shrinkurl.im/a9CpS

  • Obviously, there is nothing inherently wrong with solar energy. A hundred years ago, it was the main method for drying clothes (a clothesline), and widespread at the time.

    Photovoltaics have a high startup cost, and in many areas, will never break even for the electric cost avoided over their lifetime. This is becoming less of a a problem as prices continue to come down. I believe Suntech’s average selling price is now $2.63 / watt, down from $5 / watt just a few years ago.

    Solar thermal can be used widely today. Any house that gets sun can be designed to take advantage of warming during the day. And solar hot water panels can pay for themselves in just a few years, in sunny places like Hawaii. I think its mainly intertia stopping people from going solar for hot water, the same reason not everyone has compact fluorescent light bulbs, or heavy insulation on their house.

  • Main Reasons why Solar Power cannot be used WIDELY for Domestic purposes:-.

    1. It is costly .

    2. Solar penals require Big “Open To Sky” area for installation, where Sun-Rays could be collected directly for operating the Solar penals . Threfore Space constraints.

    3. Normal Domestic Energy requirements range between 3 KWH to 10 KWH . For this much power , one requires about Rs.50,0 to Rs. 1 lac,

    and the proper Invertor systems, which provides Stored energy through Batteries. If the stored power is exhausted, then one does not get supplies, which makes it “uncertain” and less reliable.

    4. This Solar Energy is not useful for those locations where Sunrays are not available in plenty and for all 365 days. Therefore Location constraints.

    5. The maintenance expenses for Battery, Invertors, Solar Penals and other related installations are high. Therefore ” High Maintanence Cost”

    6. Wherever 3-Phase power is required for Motive eqipments, this Solar power has limitations.

    So you find that Solar power has above mentioned constraints for not becoming popular Domestic Power solutions.

    SP Mittal

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  • Yes, there’s one big restriction. Solar panels and good batteries are very expensive. It might be good to supplement conventional electricity, but it is too expensive to replace the conventional power grid at this time. It is very useful in some instances, however. Isolated weather stations, valve operating stations (for oil field pipelines and such), and camping are some examples of where solar energy is really useful. Other drawbacks to solar panels are that they do not provide as much power in the winter, and they are also fragile. Theoretically, you could keep the panels working long enough to pay for themselves, but that’s much harder to actually do than it is to say. If a small opaque object lands on a panel not only can the panel directly break, but the partial shade on that part of the panel (if the sun is out) can damage the panel internally. And if there’s a storm, there’s always the risk that flying objects could take out your array.

  • Ok i heard in some answers it’s “insanely insufficient” , well it’s not insanely insufficient as such but it can be harnessed only in the regions near the equator and about 40 degreese away from the equator. The rest of the regions away from the equator are totally useless in solar energy because the concentration is very low. As far is India is concerned we can’t harness solar energy because it’s very costly to get it on a large scale and also you need a lot of space,constant regulation and the energy can’t be harnessed at night and during rainy season and winter. But believe me once we run out of natural gases and coal we are gonna look at solar energy as one of the possible alternatives. If you wanna use solar energy at home no one stops you. You do use solar energy to dry your clothes in the sun. I have seen so many places where you still can use solar cookers and solar water heaters. But it’s costly and quite unreliable.

  • The biggest problem is the cost. With grid electrical power at $.10/KWH on average, It takes about 20 years to get a payback for the initial investment. Why? The primary reason is the system produces nothing 2/3 of the time, and more than that in areas where you have a lot of rain/cloudy days,

    Second, It is not reliable so I must keep other forms of energy maintained and available 24/7.

    Wind is the same. Without major subsidies, only the well off can afford it.

    Many electric utilities with state/federal government do offer incentives. I live in Arizona and I can get a $30,0 system for about $16,0. Even with this, the payback is just short of 20 years from the savings.

    Solar is great. It is just not cost effective for most people.

    Source(s): This is actual calculations by myself and the utility company.

  • Yes it can be used widely but at this point of time there are some problems like storage of this energy to be used during night time, availability of solar energy during all the months, inclination of sun, manufacturing the solar pannels and their efficiency and the cost, space occupied by these solar pannels etc etc. Scientists and technologists all over the world are actively working on various issues related to this problem. Within 2-5 years of time there will be acceptable solutions for this.

  • First of all, kudows to you for asking this question.

    The main problem in using solar electricity could be these:

    1. Using the solar panels which needs lot of space, maintenance?

    2. What will happen during winter?

    All the problems have solution, none of us are too serious as we think fossil fuel is available for ever! Sooner or later we will be forced to invent innovative ways of using natural resources such as, wind, solar energy, etc.,

    Necessity is the mother of all inventions.

    Since there is no necessity of using solar energy, none of us think about how efficiently it could be used. Solar energy is the best resource available anywhere, everywhere, abundantly.

    Let us start using solar products … mass producing these products will bring its price cheaper.

    “Where there is a will there is way”

  • The only reason I don’t have solar roofing tiles is because of the 10,0+ start up cost.

    Multiply that amount by how many houses there is the US.

    Solar also wouldn’t work for apartment buildings as there wouldn’t be enough space for all the solar cells needed to power the building.

    Although I went to high school in a town in WY that had a solar high school and middle school. So it works in some situations.

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