What is the relationship among DNA, a gene, and a chromosome?

What is the relationship among DNA, a gene, and a chromosome?
Choose one answer.
a. A gene is composed of DNA, but there is no relationship to a chromosome.
b. A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes which are composed of protein.
c. A chromosome contains hundreds of genes which are composed of DNA.
d. A chromosome contains hundreds of genes which are composed of protein.
e. A gene contains hundreds of chromosomes which are composed of DNA.

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? Best Answer

  • Good question, these terms get confused by a lot of people.

    DNA is the heredity material of the cell. Some cells (bacterial cells) have one large circular DNA strand.

    In other organisms like us (aka eukaryotic cells) the dna for the cell is in several linear strands instead of one large circular piece of DNA. Each one of these strands of DNA is called a chromosome.

    The DNA of each chromosome is really tightly wound up around proteins called “histones”. This is what keeps it in a nice little line you see in pictures (or X shaped for replicated chromosome)

    Finally, a gene is a small segment of DNA, found in a small section of the chromosome (These can often be seen as dark bands in pictures of chromosomes). It is here, at the gene, that the DNA uncoils and opens up momentarily in order to have the gene ‘read’ and eventually copied into a protein (aka polypeptide).

  • c.

    Best wishes.

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