What is the tie between the smell of sulfur and ghost activity?

I was watching Ghost Adventures and nick and zak said they could smell sulfur and told everyone to back out. So what’s the connection?

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  • “Sulfur” or “rotten eggs” or “excrement” smells are usually associated with “Evil” entities. These are not REAL smells, but a direct stimulation of olfactory nerves in the nose, brain system.

    Other “Smells” are also associated with ghosts. “Roses” Gardenias” or “strong flowery” smells are usually associated with “Positive” female entities. “Tobacco” smoke is usually associated with male ghosts (whether they smoked in life or not) “Sweetgrass” is associated with native american spirits. There are also smells of cooking or frying bacon reported.

    It has been speculated that some entities communicate with us this way, because the sense of smell is the deepest part of the brain and easiest to trigger via nerve impulses.–as opposedto vision or hearing.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Sulfur, rotten or burning smells are often associated with evil. If they were sincere in the proclamation, they were right to back away until the source could be found.

    There are natural reasons for those smells as well. Water that has been treated can smell like sulfur. Since they usually investigate abandoned buildings, there could be a dead animal in the area.

  • First of all, a lot of people mix between the smell of sulfur and hydrogen sulphide. Sulfur smells like matches, where as hydrogen sulfide smells like rotten egg or sewage. As for the Demons thing, I found this:

    “A bit of chemistry brings some science into the sulfur phenomenon. It is proposed by some astrobiologists that liquid hydrogen sulfide might be a suitable solvent as an alternative to water, from which life could have emerged. Hydrogen sulfide is common enough in the universe, and it dissolves organic elements readily enough, that it is quite plausibly a solvent for life. Thus, there is some scientific basis for the existence of sulfuric extraterrestrials. Hydrogen sulfide is a cousin to water. It is H2S. Water is H2O. Sulfur replaces oxygen. Hydrogen sulfide exists as a liquid only at cold temperatures, which means that any life form based on hydrogen sulfide would be colder than we are.[3] Perhaps this characteristic explains why people often feel chilly, a literal drop in temperature, when in the company of an evil spirit.”

    read more here:

  • sulfur is usually involved with heatmagmavolcanic activity and what is hell portrayed as…. fire lava and burning thus the spirits connection with hell

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    This is a simple question. Funadamentally its all about quantum Energy as I describe in my new book. It is very likely that the smell of “sulfur” is a mistaken perception for when this term was originated hundreds of years ago nothing was know about Ozone which also has a pungent and similar odor to sulfur .
    Ozone (O3) however is a form of oxygen . When electrical activity is in progress oygen atoms in the immediate environment are sometimes coerced to form a radical molecule (Ozone, ie, (O3)) instead of the usual oxygen molecule (O2). In other words, the smell of “sulfur:” is actually attributed to ozone. So-called ‘ghosts’ are phenomena resyulting from the combining of a body-less ‘spirit’ in the vicinity with air and gases in their environmernt. This interaction is an electronic one and hence the ozone is formed, especially in the cases where a sopirit is capable of generating a large quantitiy of “quantum energy”

    The source is the results of my own research and my book; … The website for my book is… www.energyandphysicsatotalbreakthrough.c…

  • Answer hidden due to its low rating

    Demons are said to smell of sulfur or rotten garbage.

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