What is typical price range for a horse lease?

In michigan, right now, what is a typical horse going for at a full lease per month? I know the horse business and the economy in general sucks right now, so I’m not expecting much, but I don’t know really what is a good range to ask for a nice all-around horse.


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  • Well, it depends on what kind. I have a horse out on free lease right now, which means that the leasee pays for all expenses (though I might chip in with supplement/vet costs), like board, ect.

    For a regular lease, you could expect to pay for board cost ($3-550+) and then tack on payment to leaser, like $1 or so.

    Shareboarding or free leasing is the way to go, for me, if you can’t afford a horse.

  • Mine is $4 a month which includes a lesson each week and I can come ride whenever I want to. But it can be anywhere between a free lease to $10 a month depending on how nice the horse is and if it’s at a boarding stable or not.

  • I’m currently leasing my pony out to a little girl for $6/month. It all depends on the horse, as well. If you get a really nice horse, it could be very high, but I’d say the average horse is $4-8/month.

  • My lease was 150 for riding 4 days a week and I could take to shows when ever. for a full lease about 2-10 though unless your lucky

  • Last horse I had a full lease on was $250 per month. Which was reeeealllyy cheap.

  • $5 is the start but it can range from $5-$10. The lowest full least you could get, and get a nice horse would be $3. Good Luck!

  • I had a really nice Irish Sport Eventer who traveled the world showing (pony but doesnt make a difference) who was PERFECT for 5$ not including lessons, only the plain lease. hope this helps!

    Source(s): Leased for 4 years

  • It relies upon on the point of the pony and how experienced that’s. If it particularly is been there achieved that and has shown and won…then the fee would be larger. everywhere from one hundred-5 a month. It additionally only relies upon on the owner of the pony. in the event that they want somebody to workout and shield the pony then you definitely are additionally helping them out so the hire fee ought to diminish. i’m leasing a horse suitable now that replaced into no longer used via the owner and he replaced into attempting to sell him(that’s complicated while the pony us out of shape like he replaced into). So i’m in basic terms paying one hundred to the owner in keeping with month. It only varies in each and each concern!!!

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