what is your cat's personality like?

people say cats can’t love humans like dogs can, but my cat is always craving attention and wanting to sit on my lap.. when i call her name she comes running to me and wants me to pet her. she prefers attention over me just giving her food any day… is this common for a cat? i know a lot of cats just like to do their own thing. how does your cat act? thanks (:


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  • My cat is CRAZY! Andd that’s absurd, my baby loves me. She cuddles and sleeps with me every night, and we have play time and cuddles while we watch TV. She has these times where she’s absolutely insane and times where she just wants to lay in the sun and sleep. She’s curious about everything and has to explore everything, she’s hilarious with the laser pointer and LOVED the Christmas tree! I came down one morning and she was hanging half way up the tree on an ornament. She always waits under the tree and waits for people to walk by so that she can pounce on their feet! She loves to jump and play and she’ll actually climb up your body if she really wants your attention! She’s very outgoing, and everything is her playtoy, even my older cat who doesn’t want to play! She pounces on the old cat’s tail and gets batted across the room! But of course, all she’s thinking is “Awesome, let’s play again!” Something I’m really proud of is that I’m the only one who can touch her tummy without her running away, so I can really hold her like my little baby. She loves playing, sleeping, and mommy kisses! She’s the cutest little thing. My little Annie 🙂

  • Well my cats are very social and love a good stroke when people come around they always stay around to see who can stroke them but they are scared of kids. They love to be in the same room as we do like dogs and if we leave the room they come after us, if we go outside and they are outside they do us a bit of company.

    They are inside and outside cats (only go out for four hours a day ) I do not let them wander much,

    They never scratched me or hissed at me. I am really lucky with the cats I have, they really have good nature

  • All cats are different, they all have there own personality. When I was a teenager, my brother had a cat that would sit in the window to wait for him to come home, then run into the hall and jump on his shoulder as he came in, he even sat on his shoulder while he shaved. When my brother was ill with peritonitis, the cat woke my mum by meowing until she got up, and running back and forth to my brother’s room until see went to see what was wrong. The Dr said the cat probably saved my brother’s life.

  • My cat parades around the house like he’s all that,and he’ll show off to everyone.From the outside,it would seem that he only loves you if you feed him.But whenever anyone gets sick,he’ll sit with them and blink at them in that slow way that cats do to show affection.The last time I was sick he barely left my side!My mom’s sick right now,and he stays with her,too.

    Another time,I had lots of chores to do,and he could tell I was stressed out.So when I dropped a sock carrying the laundry from the laundry room to my room,he brought it up and dropped it on the floor in front of me.He’s a very sweet cat :3

    Source(s): me

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  • My daughters cat is very loving he has dog like qualities (he always comes when you call for him, loves to greet you by gently flicking his tail, puts his front paws on you to be picked up, he also likes strangers & loves to sleep with you,) My cat is kind of reserved and is fearful around strangers. He only lets me pick him up and love him. He shows affection by putting his paws gently on my face and likes to chew on my feet while I sleep. He’s also food and toy aggressive around the other cats. Last but not least is my parents cat. He is fearful of everyone, whenever you try and pet him he’ll run away though when he is sleepy you can pet him all you want. He also hates to be picked up unless he wants attention and goes on your lap. Then you can carry him everywhere.

  • My cat (the cute one in my profile pic) loves to be held and cuddled, but only if she is the one who initiates it. That means, if I pick her up, she doesn’t usually want to be held. But every night when I’m watching TV, she jumps up on my lap and purrs loudly.

    Some cats just have different personalities. Some are more shy, touchy or grumpy while others are outgoing and lovable. It just depends on the cat!

  • My kitten depends on me. She will cry for up to two hours after I leave for school, and all day never let me out of sight. When I sit, she will sit, she actually jumps in the shower with me sometimes (she is kinda weird XD) and she basically just can’t live without me. Cats can love; yet sometimes it may seem they don’t care in their older age they still do. I had a cat who lived up to 20 years, and she didn’t force attention, yet she greeted us happily every day and loved to sit with us and just be with us. Listen to your heart and you will know that yes, your cat can love.

  • My cat loves all attention. He always hangs out with me and will only play with his toys if im watching. He likes being carried around and loved on all the time. Hes the most gentle, sweetest cat ive ever known. :)he tolerates kids, but doesn’t want their attention.

  • 1/2 of all cats love their people, I think. Mine is nice sometimes and comes to sit with me to get pet, but if he decides to sit with you, you can’t move, or he’ll smack you with his little marshmallow hands (he’s declawed and all white, lol), scream and run away. Literally.

    My sisters cat is a little angel. He follows her around, loves getting pet and will just fall off of you if he’s asleep while you’re holding him. The sweetest kitty I’ve ever met.

  • The one is very dainty, very graceful. She is loving and loves to sleep right against me at night, she keeps a person quite warm like a hot-water bottle. My black one is the complete opposite of the white one. He is aggressive and demanding, walks right against me most of the time, I often fear I will trip over him. He bites easily but he NEVER scratches, which to me is quite odd. The white one scratches sometimes. My black one comes when I call him, and he meows at the same time. He also meows when someone knocks at the door, plays fetch and he can open drawers. He also knows what “Eat your food” means, I tell him that when doesn’t want to eat his dry food, then he does.

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