What kind of foods disgust you?

For me, it would be pickles. Bleh xP they’re terrible. they literally make me gag, and make my eyes twitch. Even the SMELL would make me jump off a bridge.

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  • Mushrooms, pineapple, wild rice soup, canned peas (the worst, I would so throw up if I ate them), split pea soup, cooked carrots that are in circles and ruffled, I could go on
    P.S. I like pickles
  • I love pickles lol. but foods that I hate are yogurt (I can’t tolerate the smell) peanut butter (I have a taste aversion to peanut butter because I accidently drank contaminated water before a lax game and I threw up the pb sandwich I had for lunch earlier, and now I automatically associate pb with vomit whenever I see it). I also don’t like zucchini, tomatoes, strawberries, tofu, mushrooms, olives, cabbage, leftover pizza, oranges, parsley, and cauliflower. every other food I will eat, unless I haven’t tried it. I’ve never had sauerkraut or liver/intestine. I LOVE split pea soup, tho I admit it does look/smell pretty nasty lol. and I like seafood and sparkling water too, mostly because I’m addicted to anything carbonated- soda, seltzer, sparkling water/juice. except tonic water, that stuff is gross.

  • I am vegetarian so first and foremost, I have to say meat. It doesn’t really “disgust” me, like I’m not saying that I didn’t used to enjoy the taste of it, I just don’t choose to eat it now.

    The one food that comes to mind that just absolutely disgusts me is sauerkraut. BLAH! The thought of it makes my stomach turn and the smell seriously makes me puke.

  • The organs of animals that some regard as a special treat. Hog testicles, hog brains, tripe( the stomach lining of a cow), kidneys, liver, chitterlings(the intestines of a hog). Can’t imagine why anyone would choose to eat these things. This is food one resorts to in a near starvation situation in my own mind. I also have no intention of eating those creepy little crawfish, octopus, squid, eels, and a lot of other things that come out of rivers and seas. No rodents. No dogs.

  • Green olives, mayonnaise, and sparkling water
    green olives are very bitter, mayonnaise is disgusting, sparkling water is tasteless and the bubbles makes it worseXP

  • Sparkeling water
    Fried chicken
    Fried zuccinni
    Fried pork rinds
    Anything fried basically
    Any seafood
    Cream of wheat
    Greasy chips

  • well Kectup and Manyoise that Make gag

  • Green Olives. Oh my gosh I could puke just thinking about it, so nasty.

  • ketchup! it is sooooo grossss!!!

  • fish

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