what makes you have one hit knockout power?

I’ve always wondered what makes you have knockout power, i have knocked people out with one hit before, while my friend who is bigger and hits harder according to our friends has never been able too. My old boxing coach just said you either have it or you don’t when i asked him but there has to be a reason as to why some people can while other people cannot


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  • Maybe its the technique

    God lies in the details 🙂

    And by saying just technique I mean a lot of things

    Timing, the way place where it is delivered

    And being just bigger or “stronger” doesn’t really define much

    A lot like explosiveness, pulling strength, pushing strength and etc parameters are there

  • For me, iits either a set of brass knuckles, or a roll of coins held tightly in my fist. A bic lighter held firmly when you punch can work also. Otherwise, sometimes it’s a matter of where you hit, not how hard.

    Punching with a loaded fist, however, is a proven fight ender, especially if you have questionable punching ability.

  • Perhaps right technique, and than luck

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