What parts of the food in the body get stored as fat and how does this process work?

I’m sorry that this description of my question will be a little bit long and I will be quite blunt about it, know that I’m only trying to be as specific as possible, anyone who gives a good answer that meets my description gets 10 points. Firstly, I don’t want to hear “GOOGLE IT”. The only reason I would ask a question on yahoo is because google-ing proves to be quite difficult when looking up topics like this as it’s usually concealed by weight loss websites and the information that I do find is unhelpful.

Secondly, I’m not looking for a simple answer, I want to know the main specific chemicals in our diet that get stored as fat, saying fat and sugar is a waste of time because that’s a broad spectrum of chemicals. Saying something so broad would only raise more questions like “which fat?” or “which sugar?”. And thirdly I would like to know how they get stored, this part does not have to be as specific I only need to know a good enough description that would allow me to look in the right direction when I decide to search on google again. I’m not a fat guy trying to get fit the “science way” nor am I looking for homework help, I am genuinely interested in how this process works as it appears to be complex enough to allow diet companies to make millions. Thankyou for reading, and if you answer thanks again.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Liam,

    Your question is a tough one only because of all of your restrictions. And you dont want a huge scientific explanation. You are right that it is a complicated subject. Basically anything that has calories has the potential for fat storage. Its up to the body what to use for energy and what to store as fat. It is also up to a complex system of hormones in the body, what to store as fat. So the diet program sites are not being misleading, its just a very difficult subject. There are also conditions in the body that the mind will interpret as a serious crisis (starvation) and then the body will store almost everything as fat. (lipogenesis). Again, very basically, if you consume more calories than you burn off, you will gain weight. The trick is to be healthy, and burn more calories than you consume. Also certain unnatural food additives will be stored as fat just because the body doesnt know what to do with them. Such as Trans Fats. So all in all, you want to burn more calories with exercise than you eat, avoid trans fats and other additives, not be stressed. I happen to like the Fat Loss Factor as a scientific fat loss program, it covers all these factors. You can check it out at http://thefatlossfactorprogram2.com

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