what treats can i give my bunny rabbit?

i have an 11 week old mixed breed dwarf rabbit…and she is only living on hay water and rabbit nuggets for now, i was not sure what natural treats/food i can give her…am i allowed to give her pieces of fruit or veg yet, if not when can i start giving them to her

please help



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  • Actually, you’re supposed to wait until six months to start introducing fruit and vegetables. Before this a poor diet can lead to diarrhea, which is quickly fatal in young rabbits. Until she’s at least several months old she should just be getting unlimited alfalfa hay, water, and plain rabbit pellets (never the ones with seeds or pellets) – so sounds like she’s getting everything she needs! At six months you can switch her to unlimited timothy hay (instead of alfalfa), water and reduce her pellets over a week or so to about 1/4 cup daily (yes, it’s less than recommended on the package but it’s what all vets recommend – the makers of rabbit food don’t really know what’s best for them). When she’s six months (or at least a few months older than she is now) you can start to slowly introduce veggies as part of her daily diet and fruit for treats (unsweetened raisins or dried cranberries, unseeded grapes and cherries, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, etc. are all great in tiny little bunny sized bites for treats – there are lists online of rabbit-safe fruits and vegetables and more detailed feeding instructions). Good luck!

  • It feels like she has a mild case of diarrhea or anything else. I consider the one character that recommended hay and water. Restrict feeding any greens or vegetables in case you were already feeding any. Youngster meals, etc could also make the crisis worse instead than higher. If the rabbit would not get better in a day or so, then see a vet.

  • A her age, no treats at all yet, wait until she is at least 14-15 weeks, and then just use very small pieces of leafy green veges. Their guts are so fragile, don’t mess with them too much.

  • I recommend papaya or mango, they both help aid in your bunny’s digestion.

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