What would you do if someone kisses you ?

But, you didn’t want


Of course I’m talking about a kiss on your lips

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  • so before u go stomp on his heart, remember it takes courage to kiss someone u like. tell him that u do like him as a person but just as friends. u could say you’re not ready to be in a relationship. u could say my parents said I couldn’t date u. or one of my friends has a crush on u and it would ruin our friendship if I dated u. u could even say u think of him like a brother and kissing him would be like kissing your brother. before u do any of this make sure u do it in private. it is very humiliating to a guy when a girl says he doesn’t want her to kiss him. this also makes u look stuck up and guys may not ask u out because of the fear of getting shot down.

    Source(s): high school

  • I would say Thanks but No Thanks I didn’t appreciate you coming on to me like that and I would prefer you didn’t do that again, being polite of course, if you don’t want to be polite there are a few words to tell someone to go away.

    Source(s): I am been there done that.

  • Struggle and push them off me then proceed to punch them…

  • Respond. HAHA!

  • I wouldnt have let them get that chance.

  • spit on them

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