What's the Most Disgusting Plant?

What is the ugliest, sickening plant that evolution or God ever dared to create?


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  • 1) Ugliest Plants

    No… Never come across ones and to me all plants are pretty lot…

    2) Sickening Plant:

    Rafflesia (corpse flower/meat flower) found in Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesia), Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia).

    I see one in Riau (Sumatra)… It can attract flies too.. The flowers smell like rotting meat.

    Rafflesia is an official state flower of Sabah in Malaysia, as well as for the Surat Thani Province, Thailand.


  • Plants generally aren’t disgusting, except for Rafflesia arnoldii (aka: the carrion flower). This is the world’s largest flower and emits a scent that smells much like carrion (rotting flesh). The odor tricks certain insects- mostly species of flies which are generally drawn to rotting flesh- into landing on the flower which aids in pollination of it.

    The Carrion Flower brings to mind the most disgusting fungus- the aptly named stinkhorn. The stinkhorn is a basidiocarp (aka: a “mushroom”) which emits a foul-smelling odor that resembles the scent of carion or dung. As is the case with the carrion flower, the fungus evolved to emit this stench in order to attract flies to itself, and when a fly lands on the stinkhorn, the fungal spores (which are borne by it) are transferred to the fly, and when the fly flies away to another location, the spores are thus “transplanted” to that location.

    For the record folks, fungi are *not* in the plant kingdom.

    The five traditional kindgoms are as follows:

    1. plants

    2. animals

    3. fungi

    4. protists

    5. monera

    Also note that mold is a fungus and not a plant.

    Source(s): Myself, a biologist

  • The Rafflesia flowerwhich rarely blooms in Southeast Asia. It is also the largest flower on the planet. Which is passing strange as the leaves and stems are tiny. It is a parasite of some tropical vines.

  • The Durian fruit it smells of rotting flesh and can not be transported however the internal soft fruit is delicious.

    The Rambutan looks like a nest of dark red spiders all grouped together but the internal fruit tastes like lichee’s

  • Well since I am a flowerer gardener person I would have to say I wish God did not create weeds.

  • I’d say venus flycatcher or mold. Heh, I had to dump a moldy piece of nutbread yesterday, and the kitchen still smells.

  • Dandelions

  • Amorphophallus titanum

    Commonly called the “Corpse flower” Because it smells like a rotting corpse.

    Source(s): http://www.jerrypournelle.com/chaosreports/amorpho…

  • Venus flycatcher

  • the corpse flower

    it is the largest, the heaviest and the most foul smelling plant on earth..it smells like rotting flesh or hot mcdonalds waste bin. it is smelled when in bloom from 3 miles away…it can grow up to 6 feet tall and wide. i saw one myself. i can now, check that off my list for things that i want to do this lifetime.


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