when is the easiest time to get pregnant?

At what part of your cycle are you most fertile? trying to figure this all out trying to have a baby it’s been 7 months of trying


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  • Your fertile week, when you will ovulate, and have the highest changes of getting pregnant are approximately day 14 of your cycle, and a few days before and after. Your cycle starts with the first day of your period. Example– If you start your period on the 1st…count from the 1st to the 14th…day 14 is when you should ovulate. Having sex that day and a few days before are your best changes to ovulate. You can go to ovulationcalender.com and track your periods to see when your best chances are.

  • I have found several websites out there with a lot of information about trying to conceive and what the best time is. The one that I go by is 10-16 days before your next expected period. If you don’t know for sure when your period is going to come, take a guess when you think it might come and count back 16 days. Starting that day for a week you are the most fertile during your cycle and should have intercourse as much as you want during that time. Usually everyday or every other day is a good rule of thumb.

    I recommend that you should start keeping track of your cycles on a site like www.fertilityfriend.com so that you will get an idea of how long your cycles are as well as how long your luteal phase is. The luteal phase is the time from ovulation to the day before your next period. Also, you might start using ovulation predictor kits to find out when you are most fertile. The only thing with ovulation kits is you don’t necessarily have to ovulate in order to get positive tests. The only way to know for sure that you are ovulating is to take your temperature with a basal body thermometer everyday before you get out of bed.

  • Ovulation is typically 14 days before the first day of your next period. For ladies with a 28 day cycle, this conveniently lands at about 14 days after the first day of your period. I had a 29-33 day cycle (variable but normal) so it may have been anywhere from 15 days to 19 days.

    The reason why you’d count backward based on the length of your cycle is not to drive you nuts 🙂 Its just that the corpus luteum, which maintains the uterine lining on a ‘just in case’ basis until the implanted embryo can take over hormone production, only lasts about that long. If you’re like me, and your cycle isn’t a convenient 28 days, this makes it easier to accurately pinpoint the O-date.

    As far as timing sex to ovulation, sperm last for a max of 6 days in the fallopian tubes. The longest an egg remains fertilizable after ovulation is about 24 hrs. Your aim is to have sex about once a day (to maintain sperm count) within that 7 day time period.

  • If you’re charting your cycles at all, it’s when you ovulate. For example, if you have a 28 day cycle, you would most likely ovulate (release an egg) around day 14. Count day 1 as the first day of your period and go from there. It’s best to have sex starting around day 12 and continue through day 15. Check out websites like fertilityfriend.com as they have lots of helpful info.

    Best wishes and ***baby dust!!***

  • Visit this website and use the calcualtor found on the left side. All you need is to enter your LMP and it figures everything out. Then join the message board and meet new Friends that might be in the same boat you are in.

    I’ve been TTC for 3 months now and 1 day late, however still getting a neg result.

    Baby dust to you hun!

    Source(s): http://www.askdramy.com/index.html

  • 10-12 days after the first day of your last period.

    So if you had your period on September 1st. Then start trying on the 10th of the month through until the 17th.

  • during ovulation

  • when your ovulating of course

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