When will the us economy collapse?


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  • There are no signs of economic collapse of USA. Although National and Foreign debts have been rising but the problems of inflation and recessions have been handled in such a way that the economy has not weakened. According to economists, during past two centuries the U.S.A. has encountered 32 cycles of expansions and contractions, with an average of 17 months of contraction and 38 months of expansion. However, they have been shorter and much less common in recent years.

  • If I could make economic predictions like this one, then I would be a very rich man.

    No one knows if or when the economy will collapse. As for now, it is fairly strong and slowly improving, despite still be a very depressed economy. Total collapse does not look like a near future prospect, barring any unforeseen events.

  • Where did all this idiom come in? people need to look beneath what people say, and many are saying it is getting better. Yes, we are in horrible debt, Yes there is hyper-inflation happening, and yes the dollar could collapse very soon unless Obama treds very very lightly.

    The reality is that while we may feel like we are improving, with our debt going up every day, one day a dollar is only going to be worth a penny.

    It is possible that this all blows over, but with debt pileing up, there is no way to know that there is “no such possiblitlty”. in fact, the most logical answer would be that the dollar collapses…

    the man who identified almost exactly when the 2008 housing bubble would burst, down to the banks that would close, and the reaction, and procedures to get it back on it’s feet, has predicted it, donald trump has predicted it..and lots and lots of other people in the money business have predicted it.

    The question that remains to be answered however, it WHEN it will happen. some say in six months, many this year, and quite a few reputable people have said 2016 after the Elections in November…


  • The US economy will never collapse.Now it is showing improvements.Those who predict dooms day do not take into account its huge untapped oil reserves,huge external investments in almost all developing and developed economies.The economy requires structural adjustments.In the long run projections US economy will improve positively.

  • Buy their book and they will tell you.

  • There is no such possiblity…

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