Where can I learn actually useful computer science?

Every single “Introduction to Computer Science” class I’ve ever seen, in person or online, is never an introduction to computers. It’s an introduction to programming. I can write all sorts of fancy programs in Python, but I can’t tell you what an XML file is, or what a server is, or how an operating system works, or what it means to work at the command line, or what in the world is happening when I’m trying to link two email addresses. And I have no idea where to find this information. Searching for help just returns forums full of people who know what they’re talking about. How did they learn all this?? I’ve never seen any classes that cover actual computer systems and terminology. Just “this is a Boolean expression” and “different algorithms have different complexities” and that type of thing. Obviously, programming is applicable, but I’ve never had to apply it in ways that people use on a daily basis, like making web pages or designing software.

Is there a place where can I learn all this?

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  • This brings a collection of open online lectures in computer science and engineering from colleges and universities.


  • Yes. The future.

    You have to learn the basics concepts first. That’s why the class is called “INTRODUCTION to Computer Science.”

    Once you have mastered these concepts, you can begin applying them in more practical matters.

    A XML file is a textual data format for encoding data in a way that can be read by humans and computers.

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    A server is a computer system that provides network services. But you won’t really understand what it means if you don’t learn about the Client-Server Model, networking technology and related concepts.

    How an operating system works? It’s complicated. You should have an “Operating Systems” class or two in your future. Which has prerequisites…

    What do you mean with “the” command line? The most used command line interpreters are “bash” (which comes installed by default on most Linux and UNIX distributions) and “cmd” which is the rather rudimentary Windows command line interpreter. They’re not compatible with each other.

    Those things you mention are technologies you will constantly find in your daily life. Many of them have no place in a Computer Science curriculum, many of them will become obsolete soon after you graduate, many are being invented or released as we speak.

    Oh, and you’ve never had to apply computer programming concepts in order to make web pages? You’re certainly new here.

    Don’t be so impatient. There’s a lot of things you need to learn, and you will never learn to do anything remotely useful if you don’t have a solid base.

  • I think what you’re running up against is the methodology for teaching computer science takes the long way around because they don’t assume you already know how to program. I’m a computer user from but I never took a computer science course so I recently started to follow the Berkley online classes on YouTube.

    At first it seemed ridiculous to me that they wanted me to learn some made up language that I would never use in real life. But as it turns out, they also wanted to teach how compilers work and how operating systems work. In order to teach that, they had to start from a simplified platform. AND not one that uses prefab routines from the .net library.

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    To be more specific, the kind of material you are looking for is covered in various specialties AFTER your completed certain basic introductory per-requisite classes. You might get a lot more from an adult continuing ed program. They are often designed to get straight to a topic like web page design OR whatever.

  • As already mentioned, some of these things get covered in more advanced classes. Operating system theory can be a course in and of itself.

    But you really can learn a lot from the Internet. If your searches are leading you to forums, you aren’t searching right.

    Wiki is a good source for learning the basics on some things, and the links at the end can lead to more useful information. So good Google searches would be:

    wiki XML

    wiki operating system

    (Or I guess you can search directly from Wiki. I always start at Google).

    Putting tutorial in your search works well:

    XML tutorial

    wschools is also a good starting point for a number of things (including XML). See link.

    Source(s): http://www.wschools.com/default.asp

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  • The object is that to get a job you are competing with individuals who have the degree. So you can also not ever get to the primary interview with out the measure, no matter how wise you’re. I am a program engineer and my measure is in physics. You can see job postings for application engineers and the minimal requirement is generally a BS in laptop science, physics or math. That is due to the fact that quite a lot of the physics and math skill translate to laptop science and you already needed to write beautiful tricky programs in those majors. I additionally recognize a number of superb programmers with little university background. However regularly for one and all with no schooling claiming they are able to run circles around a CS programmers, there are CS’s who can run circles around them.

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