Where would you most likely find gems or minerals?

Maybe near a pond or a lake, or where moss is growing on a rock. Somewhere often. NOT LIKE A CAVE OR A MINE SHACK.

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? Best Answer

  • You can’t just head outside, poke around some rocks and hope to find specific types of gems and crystals. Compare gem hunting to bird watching — if you want to spot a certain species of bird, you wouldn’t aimlessly wander around a forest. You’d learn where that bird lives, what trees it nests in, what it eats, and what its migration patterns are — leading you to make its eventual discovery.
  • You’d probably find some where you least expect it, like the arctic

  • deep under the ground/soil?

  • near volcano’s, only diamonds = the hardest gem in the world are made from coal inside volcano’s and all the eruptions have thrown diamonds + every where around where volcano’s exist, like the Northwest. Did you know that the Operating Engineers wont allow people to lower rivers in America, because they want the diamonds for themselves, especially in the northwest. Because of ice melting on our planet, We need to lower all rivers that lead into the oceans at least 60 feet deeper than they are now, or one day there wont be any rivers that lead to our oceans, yet the operating Engineers dont live near them, just import/export and food supports going out to other countries until there’s no more rivers. Mike

    common logic

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