who sees any justice in this situation?

here is the order of how the events went down.

1. my mom and dad go out to a concert and i leave for drivers ed while my brother (14) stays home with my other brother (9)

2. my other brother (10) comes home from a friends house while i’m at drivers ed and brothers (14 and 9) start to annoy him.

3. I come home and brothers (14 and 9) are still acting all annoying and i just want to watch degrassi in the basement while they go play legos upstairs or something but they decide to be as loud as they can in front of the tv and start singing and sword fighting and being mean to brother (10) so i pause the tv and tell them to stop nicely.

3. with brothers telling them to stop nicely never works so i had to start yelling and then my brother (14) tells me to go to the kitchen where i belong or start cooking. i found that completely sexist and then they started making gay jokes at brother (10) even though he is completely straight. they always bully him about being gay anyways because he sings really well and gets leads in childrens musicals.

4. i text my mom

5. brother (14) starts to think its funny to start swearing in front of brother (9 and 11)

6. i text my mom again

7. brother (14) started acting meaner and i through his phone on the (carpeted) floor also his phone already is broken and he is waiting for his new phone in the mail

8. my mom calls and brother (14) twists everything to make it look like i did everything wrong and he was innocent and every one of us gets sent to our rooms and i never even got to the degrassi theme song. i’m assuming i will be in a lot of trouble tomorrow.

can you tell me where the justice is?


btw im 15 and my brother that is 14 is about 6 inches taller and he’s a lot bigger than me


✅ Answers

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  • I can totally relate to this situation. I had problems similar to this with my siblings when I was younger. I’ve got a brother who is three years younger than me and a sister who is 5 and a half years younger than me. My parents would leave us to “babysit ourselves” once we were old enough. We’d eat a frozen pizza, watch a movie, and then my brother would get board and begin to tease / pick on my younger sister because he loved to make her yell and have meltdowns. Eventually it would get bad enough that I’d have to physically restrain my brother from hurting her. At that point he would turn on the tears and then in my sister’s mind > I < was suddenly the bad guy. lol. When my parents got home and found out what happened I’d get in trouble because I was the oldest and “should know better.”

    After this happened enough times I did start to know better. I decided that since my sister resented me defending her there was no point in trying. I made it a habit after the movie ended to go lock myself in a room somewhere and watch TV or read a book. The downside to this was that I had to listen to my sister scream bloody murder for hours and ignore her pleas for help. A funny thing happened though. My brother and sister knew my parents wouldn’t pay them for “babysitting themselves” if they hadn’t gotten along. Miraculously, shortly before my parents arrived home they would become fast friends and start playing nicely together. I guess my parents figured that all’s well that ends well and we all got paid even though this same pattern happened probably two or three dozen times. >shrug<

    Maybe the best thing for you to do would be to completely withdraw yourself from the situation (and maybe take your 10-year-old brother with you?) and see how things work out. Is there a room you can lock yourselves in? Can you go to a neighbor friend’s house? Can you go play at the park? I think your 14 and 9-year-old brothers are just bored. If you take the fun out of it by not interacting with them then they’ll have to find something more entertaining to do.

  • In a nice way this whole thing made me laugh.

    Anyway, I’m sure there might have been a slight bit of story twisting here as well, but anyway I’m on your side.

    I really feel sorry for you because of the following:

    1. You stuck up for your innocent brother

    2. You didn’t get to watch degrassi

    3. It was you who told your mum about it all in the first place.

    The only thing I can think of doing is getting the brother (10) to say exactly the same as you – because in this stuation like in my house ( :/ ) the elder always gets the blame, at least with the 10 year old it may look a bit better for you, especially if your parents know what the 2 other brothers are like to him.

    All I can really think of, hope it goes well tomorrow 🙂

    As a last resort if your about to get grounded or something maybe even show them this? its VERY risky but might pay off. By this I mean the bit you wrote 😛

    good luck, John

  • You should ask Brother(10) If they were doing this to him. He would probably tell the truth. And your mom would see you weren’t lying, and your other brother (14) would get in trouble as with brother (9) and justice would be served. Next time you see any of this happen, get a recorder or take your phone and record what they are saying. Tell them to stop nicely so that they keep going and show your mom this;. for evidence!! 😀 😀 😀 JUSTICE IS SERVED!! so when they figure out your plans they wont do it again.

    Source(s): Im a little sister…i have my ways..>:)

  • You may hear this a million times in your lifetime but life isn’t fair and justice is just a philosophical thought.

    In a situation like the one you describe, the best thing you could have done is just remove yourself and the your ten year old brother from the situation before it escalated; you know, just walk away. You will learn you have to pick your battles because somethings just aren’t worth the headache or the repercussions.

  • There won’t be any justice. In three years you’ll be free, it’s not such a long time to wait. If you can calmly explain the situation the way you did in the question, they should listen to you. If necessary resort to lies, it sounds like that’s what your brother is doing.

  • ARGH THERE IS NO JUSTICE i absolutely hate when siblings pin the blame on u and then ur parents get YOU in trouble even though its their fault. ugh. there.is.absolutely.no.justice.in.that.

  • Call your mom and tell her exactly what you wrote hear. Be calm and mature.

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