Why am I Failing Myself?

Hey people

Never thought I’d resort to yahoo answers, but whatever. Well I never stood out to others my whole life, but I’ve always tried so hard to do so. This is my Junior Year in High School and I’m a guy and my youth seems to be going by so fast but I have not experienced as much as others my own age have. I kind of have a core of good friends, about two, and I know a little more people that are just friends, I’m trying to really get to know more of my classmates because I really am a social person, but sometimes I think too much on what I will say and how they percieve me. But what I’m getting at is that it’s my junior year and unlike other guys I notice, I’m fading into the background which is what I have been trying to get past my WHOLE high school career. I have been working at being someone who stands out from the crowd, the funny thing is I was doing such a good job of it the beginning of this school year, but as time when on I got more worried about what other people thought of me, which I thought I was done with becasue I USED to be worried with that, I don’t participate in class, Im losing that courageous, positive personality of mine I had for the first two months of the school year, and it is still difficult to talk to the girls Im attracted to, so I feel like I’m just going to stay being a loser, and exit high school with no fond memories of it.

1 Answer

? Favorite Answer

  • Not every one stands out in highschool people try so hard now days that no one really stands out! You would stand out more if you STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK. a lot of people that stand out dont really care and because of that they have self confidence and people are attracted to confidence and thats what makes them popular.

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