Why are girls so self conscious?

I’m a teenage girl, and I find myself constantly worrying about my looks, what I say, and what I wear. I can be super self conscious… My two best friends are gorgeous, but they are even more self conscious than me! I don’t get it… I hate worrying about how I look, but I can’t stop. On some days I feel gorgeous, but others I feel like the ugliest girl in the world. I don’t understand why are almost all girls self conscious?

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Females tend to get insecure mixed up with self conscious. Some females are self conscious because every man and his dog has their say and teachings and ‘wisdom’.
  • Because like it or not, people judge you on the way you look. That’s just how it is.

  • Females are more self conscious than males due to the stereotypical images of women in modern media. Television and print show women as being perfect (skinny, large breasts, perfect skin, long hair). Due to the unrealistic images of women in media, real women see themselves as far from perfect and having many flaws which is not the case. All women are unique individuals and should love themselves for being such!

  • It’s the media

  • It really is all that T.V. Also, the magazines aren’t helping at all either.

    Personally I would not put it past a genetic predisposition. Women who believe that they will not need another man tend to stop worrying about makeup and fashion after they get married. Whilst younger women who have not settled down (or who intend to cheat[or who perceive their man as potentially cheating]) tend to focus on becoming more attractive. Until you find a mate or pass up on your primary mating cycle, you will continue to feel the need to make yourself a more viable alternative then the man’s own hand. (The MOH) Until then, you will probably always feel some degree of need to seem socially acceptable. Then again, the need to be accepted in some social circle will actually never go away. (to a degree)

    I am one of the rare few who actually does their homework.

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