Why are men more turned on at the sight of a woman’s body then vice versa ?

A guy is easily aroused at the sight of a woman’s body compared to the opposite. Why?

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  • It is related to social-biology and the pre-programmed reproduction strategies of men and women, which are significantly different.

    To propel a man’s genetic message into the next generation, his job is fairly easy – he has only to provide sperm; and sperm is cheap. So, his strategy is to take every opportunity to deposit sperm whether the chances of successful reproduction are high or marginal. Any visual signal (naked female) that there is an opportunity to disperse his genetics (sperm) is acted upon without further thought.

    This strategy is frequently observable in the animal world. Male dogs will strive to mate with a female in estrus no matter what the obstacles (however in dogs scent is the motivator rather than visual).

    The female reproductive strategy is quite different. The female invests significant time and resource to nurture an offspring to adulthood. So it is to her advantage to select a mate who will provide and care for her and the offspring. When that condition is met, she is very interested in pro-creation. Sex with any male who wanders past is contrarily not in her best interest.

    This is observable in women’s preference for romantic novels as reading material. IF the male shows emotional attachment, the female is turned on to accept his sexual advances. On the other hand, many men prefer strictly visual stimulation (porno) as that is what triggers their embedded sexual ques.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • It is all social engineering.

    Sex is heavily promoted as something that women HAVE and men WANT.

    Society gets men addicted to sex, so the sight of a womans body turns him on more than natural and he puts even average looking women on the pedestal as though they were supermodels.

    I have traveled to other countries where women like men, and are turned on by them. Thailand is a perfect example, and I speak from experience. In the west, women are only turned on by men who act like jocks or fit the Hollywood stereotype.

  • It probably has to do with the testosterone men have compared to women. We don’t get turned on instantly but maybe in time and if emotionally we were connected we would. I wouldn’t know though because I was repulsed by my ex’s body.

    @dendron53: Wow that’s an awesome answer it makes a lot of sense.

  • I’m guessing women are more into the face of a person than the body.

    But then again, we always hear the usual “take it off” from some horny girls when a nice bodied man comes up on stage.

    I don’t know really.

  • I think men are more sexually inclined because the evolutionary adaptation of “spreading the seed.”
    Women are more selective in choosing a secure mate to take care of the children.

  • Its not all social.
    Maybe because women just aren’t that attracted to men physically, not as much as men are to women.
    Less testosterone, less hornyness and lust

  • Women like to say that us men are visual creatures, but women are just as visual.

  • Dude, trust me, women are aroused the same, if not more. Just because aren’t vocal about it doesn’t meen they aren’t.

  • I dunno. I get goosebumps and my knees shake when my husband strokes my neck, but the same doesn’t work for him.Wired different, I guess.

  • If you are a guy just look in the mirror and the answer will be obvious!

  • Blame it on testosterone my friend.

  • brains innads

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