Why are public scholars agents home schooling?

a lot of people are against home schooling why is this we have pretty much all the same classes except that it takes us a shorter time to do all of it we have bigger books and we have to finish it in my house or we will do it over the summer i have a theater i have an art class i am in a youth group i have music at the theater we do not stick out also just to let people know a lot of times we are nicer i am not saying that public schools aren’t nice but we get all the same subjects but are parents or siblings give us those talks i know what the world is like too what do they have wrong with homeschooling we do not have anything agents public scholars i know a lot of them and they are all nice i know some home schoolers that are not nice but a lot of them are please do not think i have anything agents public scholars i have a lot of time outside of my house too and i am only spelling words wrong because i was born with it


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  • Education will always be a political mindfield. Tax dollars are being spent, and children are impacted with all kinds of outcomes. If my (or my parent’s) job was teaching in public school, would I be happy that some people choose to spend their $$ elsewhere?

    The other day I read that public school attendance (in my province) has fallen dramatically in the past ten years. I’ve also read, that our government underwrites private schools (usually for wealthier students) out of tax $$. So I expect some see alternative education as a threat to our hard-won tax-funded public school system.

    Just a few thoughts on a complicated subject, about which folks – whatever their viewpoint – can get rather passionate. I hope your education goes well 🙂

    Source(s): An open mind

  • It’s hard to read your question, but you’re homeschooled, right? People in general would like to tell others that their way is the best way to be educated. You prefer homeschooling, they prefer school. Few people seem to get to the mature viewpoint of being able to see that there is more than one way to become successful. I guess those are the people who haven’t gone to university, where there are home, publicly and privately schooled students, or work, where there are all types of people as well. They’re still either just with their school or homeschool groups.

  • Winner of the Longest Run-On Sentence in History.

    Sounds like you’re using voice to text, and it can’t figure out “schoolers” vs “scholars” and such. You can dictate punctuation.

    Try www.Ghotit.com too.

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