Why did I have these dreams?

There was a long period of time that I had these horrible nightmares of people dying in horrible, gruesome ways. For example, I had a dream that was in that kind of Dead Island video game setting, with the whole zombie thing and all, and there was these two guys in this hut sort of thing, and they were talking, and suddenly they got stabbed from behind with a wooden stick, and when the stick went through the first guys chest, I could see his heart and organs and everything. When I was having these dreams, I could feel myself tossing and turning back in the real world, and I could tell that I was terrified and trying to wake up. They were pretty scary dreams. Is there any real reason why I was having these? Now I’m feeling scared to go to sleep. Thanks for any help.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    I think you are lucid dreaming, when you lucid dream you control what happens in your dream so try to have happy thoughts before bed.

    Typically if you see people die in your dreams it means that you are losing feelings for that person

  • Answerer 2

    Your dreams are just bits & pieces from your memories, snipped into bits, all mixed together, then stitched back together into a string. If it’s in one of your dreams, it’s from your memory somewhere. Could be from years ago or yesterday, or two unrelated memories sewn together.

    They say that you are what you eat – Well, that applies to dreams, also. If you want to stop the violent dreams, quit watching violent TV shows, playing violent video games, listening to violent songs, etc etc.

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