why do people fear scientific progress?

whenever i look up lab grown meat i see comments from people who hate this idea saying it can’t be good for you because it is all chemicals and unnatural.

sure it might not taste as good but it is still in development and scientists are working on it as we speak.

but i don’t understand why it should be a bad idea.

once they provide the taste we get today from real meat we can all eat it and not have to suffer from all the bad nutrients it is made of.

as for the chemicals medicine is basically made in labs and out of chemicals and pretty much everything is made of chemicals yet you don’t see much hate on them.

i know once the meat is out there and provides us everything we get from meat today the hate will die down but still i would have thought more people would have been happy about this.


it is true we create more viruses but looking back at pre historic man we can see we are living longer.

they did not have to worry about losing their teeth by age because they would be lucky to live to be in the st place.

✅ Answers

  • There’s subject involve in this question :

    – Mutation

    -Natural selection

    What we call scientific progress is mutation and some how we know that we are muting our self by man made products.

    A natural selection is a long term abduction of the cell to new environmental condition ,Mutation is a fast term abduction of the cell to new environment ,it kind of injection not observing the minerals or vitamins .Which this process may cause a permit damage or dis-functional results in different type of body organisms. Reason why ,the solution are determinate in an standard levels ,but each single body has use of different level of mineral up to the activity of the organism .Less doze or over doze it cause chemical dis- function in organism or human body .Now may a product work well in some but same product may cause damage in other ,as long as I know they do experimental tests in different persons with different physical looks. If we take that number as a product it pass scientific test after result be good in least % and as we know there’s nothing as % in any case .Now risk of the correct mutation is above the % and is the chance that scientists will take it .

  • Yes, alot of things are made from chemicals today. And we have more diseases, virus’ and infections today than we ever had. We have to brush our teeth twice a day just to keep them by the time we are nowadays, when the pre-historic man with no chemicals in his diet didn’t even need a toothbrush and ate much tougher things.

    People do not fear scientific progress, people fear the arrogance of humans creating more virus’ and etc.

    We invented AIDs, remember.

  • It’s difficult to please everyone with progress, wiping out one set of problems often creates a new set of problems for someone else and they will find things to critisize. You could look at it from the standpoint that man-made beef solves world hunger which would be amazing and lack of land space to raise animals, but on the other side, it would create a lot of suffering for all the farmers around the world who make a living out of selling meat, and the vet’s that rely on income from treating farm animals, local businesses that sell meat, butchers, etc

  • my guess is: you grow up in a certain world and you get so used to and attached to this world – after all it is the only thing you know – that you get seriously freaked out when things start to change. it’s like the world you grew up in is gone, because that’s what happens with scientific progress, it completely changes the way we see the world. it’s amazing if you think about it – we live in the same world as people lived in thousands of years ago but at the same time it is so different and unrecognisable – but i understand how it can be very scary to take it all in

  • Because it tends to get people killed. Everything man made has adverse side effects we simply don’t know about many of the yet because they are much longer term and difficult to detect. Yes some things will help you live longer, but other things such as artificial sugar in itself has side effects.

    Source(s): I personally like scientific progress, but I am reminded of Frankenstein and every other case where the mad scientists brilliant creation destroys him.

  • Wat bout round up weed killer integrated into corn genetics an you say its ok wat a retard.,any thing made in a lab to eat is dangerous. food is supposed to be natural like fish,greens,Lamb,cow,.look up Monsanto

    if you realy care about what you eat. Scientists do test on mice with GMO an natural an found that the mice fed GMO are under developed ,have smaller kidneys etc an than say its fine.Americans will believe anyone in a white suit who looks smart .remember you can’t make money with a healthy population therefore aim for food to keep giving people health problems that way we continue in pharmaceutical keeping the rich rich.don’t be a dumb American with a smart phone.

    Source(s): Monsanto

  • A lot of people fear change it might also be because they aren’t very educated about the topic

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