Why do people find it funny to make fun of Wisconsin?

It annoys me that every Disney show has to make fun of Wisconsin, no one has a southern accent and most people that I know of just sit in coffee shops and play music. THEY DON’T DISCUSS DAIRY PRODUCTS!

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? Favorite Answer

  • Why DID Wiscon sin?

  • I hadn’t noticed any Disney shows making fun of Wisconsin, besides, everybody makes fun of everybody else that isn’t just like them. So don’t take it personally, no one really cares enough to pay attention to the jokes except the people on the receiving end of them (usually).

  • Don’t take it personally, it just happens. I’m from California and Disney stereotypes us as all dumb blonde beach spoiled girls when all we really do is sit around.

  • f**** wisconsin

    Source(s): that “s show

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