Why do Rednecks get so mad when you talk about Global Warming?

They get mad & act like it’s some vast left wing conspiracy to take away their guns and make Nascar illegal. Why would somebody (and every scientist in the world not bought out by big industry) make this up? Why are the ignorant so resistant to something so obvious and dangerous?


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  • I guess because there is none. Besides, I’ve already read the back of the book! God WILL destroy the Earth by fire this time. You can call THAT global warming if you like, but there is NOTHING that’s gonna stop it…

    GOOD ONE! Intel Knight

    Forgive me for answering “off the subject”, but I like your question better!!

    There is NOTHING remotely attractive about guys with pale, sunken, skeletal bodies. In fact, they look like concentration camp rejects!

    Then given they have liberal info-starved minds?, well, there you have it……

  • Rednecks are not stupid or ignorant. They have been raised in a different way than non- rednecks. They live off the land just like our ancestors did. If farmers and ranchers didn’t use the chemicals they put in our soil and in meat products the USA would be a lot healthier. And most people you would call rednecks don’t have 3 or 4 cars in thier garages. They don’t want the land covered with concrete and big cities. I live in a small town that has an oil refinery in it and almost every person that works there is a redneck. And where does all that gas and other products go? To fuel all those fancy cars and jet airplanes that so called high class people have to have. Nascar is one of those industries that you talked about in you comment. It is a sport just like football or any other sport.

    The earth is a living, breathing thing, we all have to take care of it. If you look over the history of the world there have been ice ages, whats to say there hasn’t been times of global warming also. We as humans have just made it worse because of our pollution. How many people could live without their cars, electricity or other modern conveniences?

    I am a Redneck woman and proud of it, my daddy taught me how to survive. It’s not only rednecks that get mad and don’t believe in global warming, there are a lot of non-rednecks out there that don’t believe in it either. I do believe in it, and I try to do my part in trying to stop it. Do you?

  • Q-Why do Rednecks get so mad when you talk about Global Warming?


    Q-Why would somebody (and every scientist in the world not bought out by big industry) make this up?


    Q-Why are the ignorant so resistant to something so obvious and dangerous?

    A-Is it that obvious?

    Source(s): πŸ™‚

  • I am tired of the elitist attitute of the libs. You think you are so much better than everyone else and because you are an idealist.

    I am not a redneck. I am probably more well rounded and cosmopolitan than you. (I don’t know you but I have seen a picture. Snicker) I have lived all over the world and seen everything. I speak multiple languages, and work hard to provide food for my family. I guess the fact that I own a shotgun makes me a redneck in your eyes though. I think some people — you might call them rednecks — get mad about useful idiots talking about global warming because we know the truth. Global warming isn’t caused by humans. We also know that no matter how green you think you are, you still won’t ever resort to walking everywhere and I haven’t met an environmentalist that truely cares about nature and practices what they preach. Most environmentalists want me to change my habits that “harm the environment” while they continue as they have been doing. Al Gore travels around in his private jet (That I am sure doesn’t deplete fossil fuels and doesn’t produce CO2????) while he tells me I can’t drive my Honda Civic. Pleeeeassssssse Now that is messed up. We get upset that you elitists who think we are so simple that our “little redneck brains” won’t see the hypocrisy. If you want to see stupid, look in the mirror.

    By the way, I saw your photo and you have no business exposing any of your body parts to the public. Especially your chest so put your shirt back on.

  • First off, what is your definition of ‘Redneck’? If it’s the origional slang term, you are reffering to farmers. Since they are probably more in tune with the environment then some computer geek who knows how to do Yahoo!

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    , I doubt that’s it. If it’s what I can gleen off of your rant, it’s someone who owns guns, watches NASCAR, and ‘ignorant’ as you so eligantly put it. If that’s the case, then I can’t answer for them. In return I have a retorical question for you: Are you truly interested in finding out the truth or are going to blindly follow a man who is: one, a politician seeking money and votes; and two, claimed to have invented the internet. If you are interested in finding the truth, congratulations, you are one of the few in the world smart enough to truly understand an issue. I would encourage anyone interested in researching the issued in full, rather than taking the word of a politician – whatever party they may be – to read the following articles:



    Please note, in the second article, the 19,0 climatologists “who have signed a declaration that rejects Gore’s accusation” is NOT a typo.

    I am not advocating either side, I am mearly a force for the middle. The pendulum has swung one way, I push the other. When i swings back, I’ll be there to pull it the other.

    Source(s): http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/26/6/20/13440…

  • As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. They don’t want to be shaken out of that ignorance by hearing the facts. They want to go on believing it’s not a problem until it’s too late, because if they admitted it’s a problem they might actually have to do something about it.

    You really hit the nail on the head when you said scientists have no reason to make this up. The oil companies and the politicians bribed by them stand to make huge sums of money by defending their greedy ways. The scientists gain nothing, not even respect, except from the few of us intelligent enough to understand what they’re saying.

    I just read random_republican’s reply after posting the paragraphs above. I generally prefer to keep things impersonal, but I feel like I have to reply directly to this comment. You’re admitting that we’re heading for catastrophe in 1 years, but you don’t care because you won’t be around. That’s the Republican view in a nutshell, and it’s appallingly irresponsible. What about your children and grandchildren? What about their children and grandchildren? Don’t you care that they may have no future? That’s a rhetorical question, because I know the answer is a resounding “NO”, but you should be ashamed for being so selfish and callous.

  • Well I am not redneck but this issue of global warming is rediculous. You said “Why would somebody (and every scientist in the world not bought out by big industry) make this up?”

    Well apparently you haven’t done your reaserch because you have scientist concerned about global warming and then you have scientist concerned about global cooling.

    This is a very funny subject to me because if you don’t mind I am going to put some light on this subject.

    Here’s whats going on at the same rate the earth is warming up it also is cooling down at approximatly the same rate. So it all balances out.

    If you refuse to belive me do your reaserch πŸ˜‰

  • First: lumping people underneath a stereotypical label like rednecks is just inviting personal attacks right back at you; it’s bad form as well.

    So: “Why do so many people get mad when you talk about Global Warming?”

    It’s hard to say, and I’m sure everyone has their own reasons. However, I can throw a few theories out there…

    1) Some people only believe what they can see, and if they can’t see it, they don’t believe it — so they get angry because they feel like they’re being treated like an idiot. In short, “That global warming is BS, everyone can see that!”

    2) Some people only believe what they’ve been taught, and can’t comprehend the idea that things change, or that they might have been taught incorrectly — so they get angry because they don’t know how to adjust their worldview when new information comes in, and it makes them feel like an idiot. In short, “That global warming is BS; the earth’s been fine up to now, and it’ll keep on being fine.”

    3) Some people believe that an all-powerful being is taking care of things — or that our mission on earth actually involves destroying it (I’m not kidding here), so they get angry because they feel the scientists are denying the power of their all-powerful being — “That global warming is nonsense, only Allah is powerful enough to change the world’s climate” or denying their right to destroy the earth — “That global warming is nonsense, the Book of Life says we should use all of the earth’s resources and She will provide!”

    4) Some people can’t see beyond the boundaries of their own daily lives, and can’t think beyond the boundaries of their own years, and so they get angry because they think anything outside of those boundaries is nonsense. In short, “That global warming is BS, they’re just making it up.”

    5) Some people realize that it might be true, but they don’t like the idea that the government might start restricting their freedoms in order to curtail global warming, and they don’t have an appropriate understanding of what “the greater good” means…so they undervalue long-term global benefits, and overvalue short-term personal benefits. They get angry as a defense mechanism to prevent them from having to change their ways and confront the issue. In short, “That global warming is BS, everything’s fine and they’re just trying to find an excuse to take my Camaro away and make me drive an electric car.”

    6) Some people understand that global warming is happening, but realize that the worst effects will be postponed until they’ve already passed from this earth, so they use anger as a means of preventing rational discussion while they continue plundering our resources and living high on the hog while contributing significantly to the problem.

    That doesn’t cover everything, but it should help — and believe me, I know many a person whom you’d never call a Redneck who gets quite angry about this.

    Edit: there’s a comment above mine that says “Becuase [sic] there [sic] stupid. Rednecks suck!” and the irony of it is almost too much to bear.

  • Well… It is quite obvious that the oil companies have lobbied congress for a long time, funded their campaigns etc. Naturally, the politicians that become elected (due to industry support and thus money) are biased towards the oil companies. The big motor companies did the same too, lobbying for the poorest efficiency standards because the customers wanted big, comfy and overpowerful cars/trucks.

    The big problem with neoclassical economics (of which many senior economist around the world suscribe to) is that the principle behind it is that the free market and the market forces will solve any problem and will lead to greater economic growth etc.

    This assumes that humans are logical thinkers. Clearly they are not as seen by the example of Americans prefering to buy fuel guzzling vehicles. This prompted GM and Ford to continue building such vehicles. It is only recently where fuel prices started to rise where Americans started to demand more efficient vehicles. GM and Ford did themselves in. They are in big trouble now because they have relied on selling inefficient vehicles for too long. From this example, we can deduce that market forces can sometimes ssend the wrong signal ar the right signal when it is too late and the damage is done.

    Americans have gotten dirt cheap fuel for too long. Imagine a bottle of water of water costing more than the equiv volume of fuel. Yet, which is more essensial to live? Go and figure out! πŸ˜‰

    Congress is too reluctant to implement full cost pricing (In which health cost, environmental cost etc is included in the retail price of goods and services) because of industry pressure and they want to get re-elected (which may not happen if they implement it as the cost of living may go up). However what they forget is that the people, governments and insurance companies will have to bear the grunt of disasters and the repair involved which often goes into the billions. Given such knowledge, it puzzles me why congress has given companies like Exxon tax breaks when they should have been taxing them more.

    Face it. There is never going to be true democracy even in America. There are always going to be the dirty lobby groups. The only way to clean up the political system is to prevent the funding to campaigns by big companies so that the elections will be fair. People also need to vote with their consience instead of having material gain in mind.

    Republicans. If you claim to be christians, act like one…As a Christian, I am disgusted by how the American republicans use the conservative christian base as puppets. They play on the belief that the rapture will happen anyway. What if the father in heaven says “Its not time yet” your greed (a sin) will have its consequences ane either you or our children will suffer for it. Please show your christian love by being concerned of others instead of being selfish.

    To the person who wrote this question, the term “redneck” is not the most appopriate term to be used. I am sure that there are many “red necks” who are concerned about the environment. Infact, many of them are probably more aware about environmental issues than say people from India, China or Thailand. Please avoid making sweeping statements if you don’t have the statistics to back up your claim.

    Source(s): I am an Environmental engineering student in Australia and sourced my details from my course material, “Living in the environment” by Miller, scientific journals and newspapers.

  • First of all, it is not nice to refer to anyone as a Redneck. This is an inflammatory word and will affect how well people hear what you say. Some people will be turned off by the word and ignore you. Many people in the USA are used to believing what they are spoon fed by Christian Radio, Rush Limbaugh, and other conservative media, both written and audio. I think everyone should make a point of reading magazines and watching media that gives both sides of an issue and then make their own decisions and create their own opinions. I admire your zeal to help the planet, but learn to temper your words so that you do not alienate parts of your audience.

  • The problem lies primarily in the manner in which rural Americans have become accustomed to living. In rural America, people learn to live in isolation. In isolation, you can ignore the world around you and it’s easy to find people who will agree with you. Culture is less variable. In the middle of nowhere, your actions only obviously affect the people in your house, and maybe the small town in which you live. Capitolism also factors in, because only the strong (aka. rich) will flourish, and there’s no incentive for anyone rich in America to share their wealth with the less fortunate.

    People in Europe, by contrast live on top of each other. When one person does something stupid, it is more likely to affect a pretty good segment of society. In addition, European socialist culture is more likely to cause individuals to look at the big picture and to sacrifice (by choice or not) something for the good of the whole. So, for example, they end up with health care for everyone. It’s not perfect healthcare, but it’s better than nothing.

    In rural America, we have ended up believing that it’s “all about me,” because we’re isolated from each other and the world, and we can afford to do that. Some of that spills over into the city. When a person is only thinking about how they can survive in our culture, they will come to realize that no one, including the government, is really going to help when something goes wrong (look at New Orleans). It makes people selfish. It becomes an argument for personal convenience and comfort and”freedom” because those things make life easier to tackle. As a result people (insert “rednecks”) feel threatened by things like global warming because they feel like they have to give up their own personal comfort and convenience. Thus they’re losing some freedom.

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