Why do some people think that if a rapper is underground/indie it means they’re not good enough?

So I’m 17 and I realize that most people my age abide by what’s popular, and I totally get that because I was the same way for years. Now I’m gonna be honest, when I first discovered underground hip hop a few years ago I felt like I was a part of some secret club and I developed a hipster complex, and totally shunned mainstream music altogether.

Since then I opened my mind and realized there’s good rap music everywhere, classic, mainstream or underground. But one thing that always gets on my nerves is when I might be talking about a rapper that’s under people’s radar, they assume that he’s not good enough to be on the radio and it’s not worth checking him out. This honestly amuses me a little, because I guess people don’t realize that you have to portray a certain image to be mainstream. For example my favorite rapper is MF DOOM, and he is extremely abstract. No matter how “good” he is, his lyrical content and obscure sampling would go over most people’s heads or confuse them. He is the polar opposite of a typical rapper today.

Where does this mindset come from? I think there’s a difference between someone independently making music and putting it on the internet trying to make it big, and someone who is just making music because they like it. I don’t know, what are your thoughts?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    I have no idea why people just assume that “mainstream” artists are better than “underground” artists.. considering a lot of the lesser known people are just as good. I suppose a big reason could be the lyrical choice of some, as it’s too explicit to air on radio.. hence their name doesn’t get out as much.

  • Answerer 2

    Eminem’s syllables with Jay, 50, Dre, and Cashis can explain it all. Mainstream rappers are told to dumb down their music so the general public will love it. All it’s about is a catchy hook or chorus lol

  • Answerer 3

    Now we’re talking!!

    Im very proud of you bro, besides these other butt heads
    these days that are manipulated and controlled by the industry
    with these wack fake azz music that’s popular!

  • Answerer 4

    Agreed, but the opposite is just as bad, when people assume mainstream is always bad, and/or underground Is always good.

    There’s a certain group of artists who got where they are without advertising and just talent. This selection of people is too often mistaken with people who are just underground because they suck.

    the people above are perfect examples of the hip hop hipsters that pollute the hip hop fan base.

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