Why does ireland seem to be a happier place than “great britain”?

i went to northern ireland and the republic last year and i found the people there to be really upbeat and not grumpy and cynical like they are in great britain. i am puzzled as they are not as prosperous and egalitarian as the scandinavian countries and their public transport and health care and schooling is no where near the best, and their weather could be much better! even with the religious troubles in northern ireland i found the ulster people to be some of the nicest i have ever encountered, even in yorkshire and devon where the people are very friendly indeed i did not find the people as charming and uncynical as the irish.

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? Best Answer

  • most irish are laid back in their way of life, natural singers, funny and a great accent.
  • Over 60 million population on mainland Great Britain.
    Less than 6.5 million in the whole of Ireland.
    People tend to be happier in less densely populated

    The Irish are by nature optimistic and friendly.

  • Centuries of getting kicked around by Britain eventually makes one tough and optimistic.

  • Because the population density is much lower there.

    You asked, I answered.

  • Guinness.

  • Because their always pis*ed up!!! Everyone is happier on booze!!

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