Why does it bother people I mention PrisonPlanet or Alex Jones? I only want to discover…?

Dear God! I’m only using links to those sites because they’re the first to appear when I google th men in “tan pants/black jackets” at Boston explosions. I’ve been told that watching prisonplanet and Jones makes my head confused. I’ve never even listened to one whole video nor read entire article. I’m curious as to why government CANNOT admit who the guys are. Could it be possible they didn’t know why those guys were there in the first place?

Maybe using a link to another site will help people understand that Alex Jones is not making this up and that he is NOT the only guy on internet who gets all sorts of information. There’s hundreds or thousands out there–camera in hand–ready to snap pictures of just about anything that moves!!!

This first comment at end of article on this other link makes perfect sense:

{{{ALL govt agencies, organizers and local government officials say the men do not belong to them! WTF! So let me get this straight a private contractor just decided to go to the Boston
marathon and provide security without being asked or informing anyone? Sorry not an alex fan but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist! Wake up America!}}}


✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • I don’t know, but Alex Jones live next door to me
  • The people who decided that those guys were relevant were Jones and his ilk. They then start claiming cover up when the government doesn’t come clean about a couple of guys they never gave a **** about in the first place. People like Jones are never willing to admit that they are wrong and might be chasing a red herring.

  • They admittedly did it they fought back with pressure cooker bombs,

  • Jones is the ultimate controlled shill. He has been linked to the Mossad front body Stratfor.

    His role seems to be to data mine on his listeners and steer them away from the Zionist nature at the heart of of the conspiracy.

    What AJ will never tell you.


    Israel and 9/11




  • It’s you who needs to wake up.

    The ONLY people talking about this are Alex Jones and other conspiracy nuts.

    Besides, how does Jones or any of the others, know these people are in security? Just wearing the same tan pants and black jackets doesn’t make them security anymore than carrying a black backpack makes someone a bomb-toting terrorist! And even if these guys actually do work in security, did it ever occur to you that, just maybe, like 10s of other Bostonians, they wanted to go enjoy the Marathon? Maybe they were just getting off a shift, or maybe it was their lunch hour, who knows, but Jesus Christ On A Pogo Stick, please listen to yourself would you?

    1. People in tan pants and black jackets are private security. This is an assumption. Provide your proof. Oh wait. There is none because conspiracy theorists never deal in actual facts or proof. Just innuendo, assumption, and story telling.

    2. As private security they obviously have no real reason to be at the marathon unless it was for nefarious reasons. Wait a second… You haven’t even established point 1, and now you’re making another leap of faith.

    3. Since we know there are two bombers, and there are 2 security guys, and they’re up to no good, obviously the security guys framed the Tsaernov brothers.

    Do you see the utter lack of logic here? You’re essentially saying everyone in tan pants and a black jacket is a paramilitary spook whose sole mission is to frame innocent American citizens for false flag attacks.

    Or in other words, 80% of the Macy’s male customers are “bad guys.”

    Stop skipping your meds, stop listening to kooks like Alex Jones, and stop living in fantasy worlds.


  • There’s more than just Jones with such information and many within the truth movement don’t trust him.

    You can never rule out the possibility that at least some of those attack the official account skeptics online are shills .
    This is an Info war for real.

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