Why does society keep children in the dark about sexuality?

Why does society do this? Why do people think it is wrong to teach a child about sex? And why are people saddened or disgusted when a kid looses their virginity at like 12? They act like when they loose it they are no longer children and somehow there childhood is ruined. Are there really any logical reasons for this?

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  • Society has always been messed up about sex, and I am talking about the western part of the world. What I do see is, know one wants to educate kids properly on the subject, and the western world see sex as dirty and nasty not natural as it should be seen. It should be seen as nothing different from them not believing in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and Easter bunny. The only logic I see in all of this, is as parents, they feel like they are losing you to the adult world, so it doesn’t matter at what age, its just the fact you are now an adult after sex at any age, as long as its consensual.
  • First of all I’d like to correct your usage of the word ‘loose’ rather than ‘lose’. Sorry for being a dick it just pisses me off when people do that. In regards to your question, society likes to keep children protected and sheltered to what they consider to be ‘unwholesome filth’. Sexual intercourse apparently falls under this category and is therefore censored from their lives. Look, I’m all for letting children be children and not making them worry about sex but I do recognise it as being a huge part of the human existence. The system as of now seems fine where I am. In New Zealand we’re taught sexual education during our 6th year of school and this continues till our 11th year. The main focus is of course protection against STDs and STIs. There isn’t any teaching of all that religious ‘Sex after marriage’ bullshit so from where I stand, the system is fine.

    New Zealand Education System

  • People think it will help them maintain their inocense and will stop them from doing anything havin to do with sex.

  • Logical reasons for it? No.

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