Why everyone loves 'Roses' more than other flowers ?


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  • I think because roses represent love more than any other flower.

  • For me it’s carnations. Must be my lower class up bringing. A flower that can make me bleed? No thanks. Besides carnations last and the aroma is intoxicating.

    Source(s): Me.

  • The most obvious answer to this would be that roses have always symbolized a romantic gesture especially when it comes to valentines day. However I wouldn’t say ‘Everyone’ loves roses, I hate to be sexist but as a woman myself, when you receive roses, the message is clear that it is a romantic gesture. Personally I would be more impressed if whoever sends flowers, took the time to find out what my favorite flower is, it shows a little more thought has gone into the gift.

    There are other reasons why roses are most popular to women, the shape of the petals, the way they embrace each other and hold each other up could be conceived as a metaphorical message of I’ll hold you up when your about to fall of if you go, I’m coming with.

    You could also say that because roses are one of the most commonly bought flowers as I have explained for the reasons above, they are probably going to be the cheapest. So (and I’m not trying to be sexist) it’s a simple and easy way for a guy to make a choice when he’s in a florist or garage.

    I hope this helps!

  • Not everyone. For example, Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games hates them, and so do I. 🙂

    It’s mostly because everyone is obsessed with love and roses represent love. Also the colors are “mesmerizing”. And because each color has a different meaning (white equals sorry or death) its really popular among couples since they use them to express feelings.

  • Not everyone……… actually i don like them……..

  • who said that everyone does?

    i for example dont’t really like them. i don’t hate them either, i just don’t care. as probably do half the people out there (men)…

  • Bec they are so puurrrty! Red roses are my fave!

  • The same reason people love red convertibles and french fries, tradition.

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