Why for every tragedy in the U.S?

is there lots of conspiracy theories that our government did it every single time? it’s really annoying that people blame their own country and dont even try to make a change for the better. What is with people lately it doesnt even have to do with the two party system either

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  • Answerer 1

    America must really be going downhill. I’m not naive enough to think that governments are always truthful and I want to eventually see some video evidence of these brothers. But the conspiracy stuff has gone really crazy. All they are relying on is grainy night vision cameras and odd angles etc. There is natural confusion that occurs at a killing scene. They’re turning a merciless killer into a hero as far as I’m concerned.

  • Answerer 2

    i think the conspiracy theory stuff stems from our mistrust of the government. also a mistrust of the media. i admit that i have spent many hours over the years reading this stuff and watching videos. i dont really believe our government was behind these attacks, but there is a terrific amount of false information. after these things happen, there is so much that doesnt add up. there are always lots, and lots of questions that never get answered.
    with the amount of cameras out there now and the ease of posting things on the interent, there is often pictures and videos out there that (edited or not?) dont seem to fall in line with the official narrative.
    the media itself could stop much of this on thier own. if they waited until they had solid facts before they start spewing out misinformation, alot of the ammunition the conspiracy theorists use could be eliminated. look at the boston bombing for instance. how many facts did they put on tv that ended up being completely false? it was insane. these “journalists” were in such a hurry to be the first one with breaking news that they inadvertantly gave these conspiracy nuts all kinds of ammo to use later on.
    years and years of this type of reporting has got people to look between the lines when something like this happens. nobody trusts the media or government to tell us the truth antmore. everything that we hear from them turns out to be false later on. naturally, some people try to make their own connections and develope a story that makes sense to them.
    personally, i think the truth lies somewhere in between. i dont trust the government at all. there are too many things that go unanswered after these events. the official story almost never meshes with all of the facts. there is always something that doesnt make sense with the official story. on the other hand, i find it hard to believe that our leaders, as dirty and corrupt as they are, would intentionally do something as bad as the 911 attacks or the boston bombing. i think that there is usually more to the story than they let us know about. i think that they dont always release everything they know. it could be because they dont want to show all of their cards so to speak, or because they dont want the public to know just how vulnerable we really are. maybe they want us to think we are protected and that the military/police/government has everything under control.

    damn! i smell a best answer coming on this one.

  • Answerer 3

    It’s pretty obvious that it was a false flag this time, the explosion itself was suspicious already: not really central, weak detonation, no significant harm to the infrastructurethere, etc. I did some research and couldn’t find any evidence that dschochar zarajew and his brother did it other than those two walking around there with backpacks on. I also found that the Boston Globe was tweeting about a controlled explosion minutes before the tragedy https://twitter.com/BostonGlobe/status/323886879453892609
    Also there’s clear evidence that there were in fact amputee actors there:

    please actually read it and do some research


    This image was taken by a third party photographer seconds after the first explosion. There is clear evidence of false flag staging here. The man in the red coat and baseball hat on the right is kneeling down giving directions to the guy in the white T-shirt. Also looking to this pair for direction are the woman sitting to the right and the man in a hood and sunglasses who set up the double amputee prosthetics.

    Notice the relaxed posture and face of the hooded man. Notice also the calm prepared posture of the woman sitting down on the bottom right. See how her shirt sleeve is severely torn, yet her skin underneath is clean and clear of injury and blood. From where she’s sitting look right to the bottom right corner and you can see an unmarked bottle of fake blood.

    Look to the left and see the cowboy hat man standing there doing nothing. This is the same man who will pretend to hold the tourniquet of the fake amputee actor later on. Look to center of the photo and you will see the african woman moving herself away from the amputee actor since her shielding him from camera’s job is over. Next to her is a woman with red hair leaning on her elbow.

    Compare this now with another photo taken seconds later. Putting them side by side is very helpful.


    The man with the hood and sunglasses, who was just sitting up looking fine and healthy after fixing up the amputee actor’s prosthetics, is now on his back being evaluated by two people. Notice the rips in his jeans have no sign of blood or injury on the skin. The woman with red hair however is in the exact same pose as a minute ago. Meanwhile the double amputee actor is completely ignored by everyone when he is clearly in the most dire need of attention. There is a small amount of fake blood around him where the african lady shielding him used to be, she has disappeared What happened to her? Compare this photo with the first in my post.


    The african woman who was sitting up, shielding the hooded man and amputee actor’s prosthetic rigging, giving hand signals, looking left and right, having no visible blood or injuries, is now covered in blood and strapped into a spine board stretcher.

    In a real medical scenario the amputee would receive immediate treatment or die from bleed out. The fact this actor woman is removed from the scene via stretcher while the double amputee is left on the ground is ludicrous. He would be dead from blood loss before they could even begin spinal assessment procedures involved in moving a patient to a stretched. Not to mention his blood loss would be over five liters, enough to cover the entire scene around these people in a thick puddle.

    From firsthand experience with trauma in the field of EMS work, this is not real. These are actors. This is all staged.”

    Of course you can’t deny it was a real bomb but they clearly tried to overdramatisize it, because honestly no one would care if it was just three people dead. I’m sorry if I offended anyone no it’s not ALL staged I can’t deny the deaths and the injuries, however there were actors there TOO

    However Dirk Diggler is a Liar, I never talked to him lol just do some research and don’t call everyone crazy who is skeptic

    Oh and the quotation marks you notice them? yes? they mean that I’m QUOTING something and the people in those pictures were actors you have to look at them before claiming ANYTHING

  • Answerer 4

    Conspiracy theorists are goofey. They say they have proof but its always proof from someone hiding behind a computer. They NEVER have any physical evidence or eyewittness interviews.

    Take for instance this Paul guy that answered your question, he states that the Boston Bombing was staged and the people were actors. I asked Paul, on another board we were both on, to go to Martin Richard’s (boy killed in bombing) Dad’s home, knock on the door and demand he bring his dead son out of hiding because he has proof the whole Boston Bombing was staged. Well- Paul declined my challang. He would not do this because he is a liar and has no proofof anything, just like all the rest of the conspiracy theorist nuts out there. I guess it makes them feel enlightened thinking they know something that is being kept secret, even if the something has no merit.

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