Why is bald eagles going extincted a problem?

i mean like if they went extincted would it be a big deal? what do they even do for us?


this is for an assignment. I like bald eagles. they are pretty.

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  • Bald eagles are known for having extraordinary manners. One time on a rainy day a bald eagle swooped down and opened a door for me. I will never forget that bird for as long as I live.

  • I am a raptor biologist and you have to understand the pure beauty of a Bald Eagle to know what it does for us. They also help to control fish population eating up to a pound and a half of fish a day. Aside from the fact bald eagles are not as plentiful as some Birds of Prey but by no means are they close to extinction.

  • I don’t know who mislead you or how, but the absolute FACT of the matter is that bald eagles really are NOT going extinct. They are alive and well and continuing to grow in numbers. There was a time back in the late ‘s and early ‘s when DDT was causing them to have fragile and weak egg shells which caused their chicks to fail before they could hatch. That has been resolved. Eagles are fine. No one can prove otherwise. Do NOT take their word for it without substantial proof.

    Source(s): Former Alaska state game warden

  • Why does an animal have to do something for humans in order to be valuable? That’s pretty selfish. The extinction of any animal is a loss to all inhabitants of Earth. Except maybe the extinction of humans

  • It wouldn’t effect us environmentally.. but the fact that it no longer exists would suck. Image how cool it would be to see caged dinosaurs at a zoo?

  • ;_ylt=Aihk…

  • basically its only because its our nations mascot. otherwise they really arnt that important.

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