Why is everyone smarter than me?

So I’m in my freshman year of college and I’m majoring in biology. I have a 2.4 GPA and things like genetic duplication and measuring quantum numbers looks like gibberish to me. That being said all of my other classmates seem to do better than me and study less. Story time: so one day I come in to my chemistry class and my buddy next to me came into class, obviously stoned. I’m not exaggerating, I’m not joking, he’s high as a kite. Well he tells me, “dude, I haven’t studied for this test at all.” and I think to myself, “Hey, he’s stoned while I came in here sober and prepared so I’m bound to get a good grade.” Grades came back and of course, he scores higher than me. Am I so dumb that a kid on drugs is better at chemistry and biology than me? Is this a genetic thing, was I born dumb? I see kids who understand everything going on in my classes while I stare at the chalkboard dumbfounded at what the hell’s going on. So any advice, comments, or stories y’all would like to share?


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? Favorite Answer

  • Perhaps due to your limited intelligence..

  • You are not necessarily dumb, you just have to find the learning method that works for you. Perhaps you have a more creative mind than a logic inspired mind, so you will have to come up with creative ways to learn. Find ways to relate it to a subject that you understand. It is hard to tell since you don’t say what you are good at. Which subjects come easy to you?

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