Why is it bad to use dirty moves in a fight?

I mean it’s a FIGHT. It’s survival. I just think it’s stupid to have people have gentleman’s rules when fighting.

I remember this guy in middle school I used to pick on all the time. Eventually he got as big as I did. In high school, it’s our junior year so he snapped and decided to stop being a door mat and fight me. He was also mad that I had sex with his girlfriend and he didn’t. Not my fault she wanted my D and not his. We exchange a few blows but left before a teacher came. We agreed to meet at the back of the school.

I was pretty sore and didn’t feel like I could continue fighting so I got a few friends with me, only three.

So he was waiting for me at the back of the school which is essentially a wooded area and there were like 12 people anxious to see the fight. While his back was turned I walked up and kicked him in the back then my friends and I wailed on him. He tried to fight me specifically so I kicked him in the nuts and hit him with a book. He was on the ground in pain and so I kicked him while he was down. He doesn’t mess with me anymore although his girl won’t get with me. She was a cute girl too.

Everyone in school, (well at least half my class) keeps calling me a little punk. I’m sorry but he should have been smart and ambushed me and brought his friends along too. That’s how it is in the Art of War by Sun Tzu.


You people can’t be serious.

This guy had a good 10 pounds on me. He was a wrestler too and he also did Eskrima, (Filipino martial arts).

I leveled the playing field and used supreme tactics to fight him,

How does that make me a punk? I would have gotten my *** handed to me. You’re telling me that if you were in my situation you wouldn’t do the same thing?


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  • If that is you in the avatar, you better changes your ways today, or someone is going to leave you with a beating you will never forget. I didn’t think it was possible for someone to make me realize how stupid people can be in regard to the no rules in fighting. I guess I have to attribute it to never having had a coward try and present the no rules reality. You have a serious problem, your logic is totally fk’d up.

    You started the fking fight. It began with you thinking you are the schidt, talking crap and getting hit. Weren’t expecting that, were you? Then you agree to continue, there was no need, but you think you are tough, or want people to think that, that is why you treated him like a doormat. You say you didn’t think you could continue, which means you are a pssy and were afraid, so you bring not one, but three fking friends. You seriously don’t see how cowardly that is? If you had any balls, and the reverse happened, you would have went crying to your parents and they would have probably sued. What you did was premeditated, that’s assault and battery.

    12 people wanted to see two men duke it out, instead they saw one man, and 4 fking boys. Everybody that knows either of you, knows there was an agreement to fight, so depending on your class size, pretty much everyone in your grade and probably some in the grades above and below, know that you started a fight, then totally wussed out. The ones that aren’t calling you a punk, think you are, and most likely anyone that told you it was cool, is really saying behind your back that you are a punk.

    You say he doesn’t mess with you like he learned a lesson. Others might not mess with you either, not because they are afraid of you, but because they are afraid you are coward and can’t fight your own battles. People say things like, “I got your back”, but nobody will have yours in time, you have shown you have no dignity, and can’t be trusted. They will always think, “I remember when he pulled that pssy attack.”

    It doesn’t matter if he had 10 lbs on you, or that he trained, you picked the fking fight. Would you pull a Tigers tail trying to piss it off? No rules applies and is accepted as honorable when the other guy attacks you.

    I mean this dead seriously. If you don’t grow a set of balls, someone is going to beat the crap out of you. You obviously have a mouth, and say things you can’t back up. You think it is cool and funny that you did the dudes girl. People get seriously fkd up for doing that, you do that to the wrong guy, it doesn’t matter if logic dictates she was willing, they are going fk you up. Go look at your skinny self in the mirror and ask yourself if they put you in the hospital, be it alone or with 3 friends, if they were “man” enough to take you on.

    You have totally skewed the teachings in the art of war. If you don’t re-evaluate your way of thinking, you are going to be in jail. You have a psychological problem to view your actions as respectable and intelligent in terms of the art of war, you need counseling. Your way of thinking is not normal, and you are going to be called a punk at school until you get some help.


  • Dirty Fighting

    Source(s): https://shrinks.im/a86Jy

  • Gentlemen’s rules apply to a quarrel between people. Like you said, a fight is for survival; did you feel a threat to your life? You had witnesses, do you think you were going to die if you didn’t fight dirty?

    Even if two people hate each other, you must have respect for him standing up to you.


    If you have a quarrel, don’t gang up on someone, either take it like a man or apologize. You will find that civilized conversations can be much more useful than fights.

    Fighting dirty has a reflection on who you are (in a non-life threatening situation). How would you feel if you were ganged up on and ambushed.

    Bottom line, this is a school yard fight, not the Bourne Ultimatum.

    Respect the man, and he will respect you. Apologize. Doesn’t matter what he thinks or what others think, but how you feel about your actions. You sir, by asking this question, know that you were wrong on some level

    Turn over a new leaf

    Source(s): Teacher

  • Fighting Dirty

    Source(s): https://shrink.im/baxkQ

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  • First of all, you need to grow up.

    Secondly, who are you to call HIM a little B****!? The only thing you really had on him was words and when it became physical, you knew very well that you would get your **** handed to you.

    So then you decided to use moves only a pathetic weakling would do. You kicked him in the back when he wasn’t looking which ANYONE could do, and you brought a posse with you.

    He faced you like a man and you faced him like a loser. IF you have to hit weak spots like that then you are indeed a punk.

    These unwritten gentleman rules exist to level the playing field so that it is a match of ONLY skill and you just broke every rule aside from bringing a weapon.

    And Sun Tzu does not apply since this is not a military conflict regarding the security and sovereignty of a nation or state, but a matter of honor. You sir, have NO honor.



    I would NOT do the same thing because I’m not an asshole who picks on random guys, bang their girl and I sure as hell respect everyone.

  • For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awE4S

    The terms “dirty” and “street fighting” can have different meanings, based on the individual. Personally, I think that nothing is dirty when it comes to street fighting. You’re either fighting a complete stranger for most likely terrible reasons, or you’re fighting (possibly for your life) out of self defense. To call something dirty in those situations is like playing a game with a friend, throwing out the rulebook, and then saying “Cheater!” when they do something you don’t like. In any case, I’ll put up a list of things I generally wouldn’t do unless I was in a really bad tussle. If I wasn’t pretty much fighting for my life, I would not do the following in a fight. – Strike to the eyes. My art does teach striking to the eyes. However, you could blind someone this way. – Strike to the throat. My school has us practice striking to the throat. However, you could kill someone this way. – Strike the groin. We integrate groin strikes into some of our drills/forms. I might do this in a ‘regular’ fight, but you can cause some serious damage with this, so it’s iffy. – Strike the back of the head, neck, or to the spine. You can cripple or kill that way. – Kick the knee or shin in any way. I don’t aim to break someones leg or ruin their knees unless I am positively forced to do so. In a ‘regular’ fight, I may use a low roundhouse kick to the outside of their leg. – Hold a joint lock. If I’m fighting for survival, and I land a joint lock, I will execute it to full effect as soon as I possibly can. In any other less serious fight, I’d only use a joint lock as a means to hold them until they calm down or help arrives, or what have you. I honestly struggle to imagine myself using a weapon/improvised weapon, in that I don’t train with self defense weapons or improvised weapons. So, I think for me to try to seriously use such a weapon would almost put me at a disadvantage. Only ‘weapon’ I may use would be dirt, sand, or a drink of some kind to their eyes. Just my thoughts, anyway.

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    Why is it bad to use dirty moves in a fight?

    I mean it's a FIGHT. It's survival. I just think it's stupid to have people have gentleman's rules when fighting.

    I remember this guy in middle school I used to pick on all the time. Eventually he got as big as I did. In high school, it's our junior year so he snapped and…

    Source(s): bad dirty moves fight: https://tr.im/xiKnS

  • It is bad, because when you are a complete ***, and start fights with other people for no apparent reason, you are expected to fight like a man. If you can’t fight like a man, then don’t start fights with people you have no business bothering. If you had learned to fight from any respected teacher, then you would have learned to not only avoid fights when capable of doing so, but you would have learned to fight with honour. A kid who attacks a man from behind is not considered a man, but a child. And I say “kid” because anyone whom has to bring a gang of friends to fight his fights, cannot not honourably be considered a man… only a child.

    You should know, that in any situation someone gangs up on another person with his friends in my school, not only would he be considered a joke from then on… but he would be considered a kid not worth the effort to think about. My advice is to be a man and act like a man.

    I am 14 years old, and I know why someone would fight in school. I understand it and if I had to, I would. But I also understand that if you can’t fight with honour and respect. You can not respectively be called a man. And also, if you slept another man’s girlfriend in my school, not only would you leave in body bag, but none of the people from the school would even come to spit on your grave. This is childish pure childish. If you don’t think you can beat him, then you should at least be able to get your *** kicked like a man.

    P.S. I hope you grow up, we don’t need another Justin Bieber. And if you decide not to do so, DO NOT BREED. The last thing the world needs is another one of you… Have a nice fuking day asshat.

    Source(s): Personal experiences…

  • What makes you a punk is the fact that you were bullying someone who did nothing to you and didn’t have the balls to face him like a man. What you did is the definition of being a worthless piece of crap who deserves to have the crap kicked out of him. Honestly, you need to get your life straightened out. Go see a counselor or something, because at the rate you are going, you pretty much have three options of how your life is gonna turn out.

    1. You will end up lonely with only shallow relationships and everybody will talk behind your back about how much of an a**hole you are.

    2. You end up in jail.

    3. You bully the wrong person and they’ll pull a gun on you and kill you.

    You seriously need help. Please seek it out.

  • Dirty moves have their place.

    That’s in self defense.

    What you did is bully someone then not give the guy a chance to defend himself. You’re being called a punk because you are.

    It’s nice to say but I hope you get what’s coming to you.

    Source(s): 12 years martial arts.

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