Why is my cat crying and how can I help her?

We’ve had our cat for a little more then ten years now, and before that she was a stray. Night and day for a long time now (possibly the past few years) she has been crying non-stop. We’ve done everything we can think of to help, but lately my parents have decided that just putting her in the base for the night is whats best. I feel bad every time I have to do this and I really want to find a way to help her. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.


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  • What is “everything” that you have done for her? Have you taken her to the vet? Have you had her checked out physically? That is the first thing you do when something is not right. She can’t tell you

    what is wrong, so finding out if it could be something physical is very important! If she gets an all clear from the vet, then you can start figuring out what could be bothering her mentally or emotionally. There is a TV show on Animal Planet called “My Cat From Hell”. It is very good for figuring out cats and how they think. This show is on Saturday nights, You should try and catch it. You can learn a lot from this.

    When I had a cat that cried a lot, she was recovering from an injury to her feet. Cats don’t cry constantly just because they like it! She is trying to tell you something! I can see that you are much more open minded than your parents. I hope you can convince them to do something for this poor cat.There is also a book called “The Natural Cat”, by Anitra Frazier that could help. I hope you find out what is causing this problem.

    Source(s): 36 years of cats and kittens

  • If your cat is a girl, and if she isn’t fixed, she could just be crying cause shes in heat. Cats go into heat very often, especially around spring-time. If there is a male in the area, even if it’s outside, she could be crying because shes in heat and wants the male..

  • If you haven’t already, take her to a vet. Old cats are prone to all kinds of health issues.

  • you give some food to your cat.

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  • Is she spayed?

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