Why is the big bang theory called a theory?

Isn’t it a fact now?


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  • It falls under one of the many definitions of “Theory”.


    2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.

    3. Mathematics. a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.

    4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.

    5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles.

    6. contemplation or speculation.

    7. guess or conjecture.


    Source(s): http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/theory

  • No. Scientists believe the Big Bang Theory (or variations on this theory) is the one that best explains the origin of the universe. However, theories can never be proven, they can only be disproven. Here’s how it works:

    1) A scientist puts forth a theory: “I think all people have red hair.”

    2) A scientist makes a prediction based on his theory: “If all people have red hair, I will not find any blonds or brunettes in any population.”

    3) The scientist tests the prediction: “Hmmm, there are brunette’s and blonds in the mall, today.”

    4) If the prediction fails, the scientist modifies his prediction: “Some people have red hair.”

    5) Then, he makes a new prediction based on the modified hypothesis.

    It keeps going that way until the scientist arrives at something that has survived every prediction made up until that point. This is the case with the Big Bang theory, the theory of evolution, and so on.

    It’s called the Scientific Method.

  • Unless something came out recently that I did not hear about, it is still a theory. From what I know (I’m not a expert by all means) the law of physics falls apart at the instant of the big bang. Physicist can tell you what happen in the first hundredth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second after the big bang using the laws of physics. However before that, they have no idea because all laws falls apart. It could be anything. It could be true there is a big bang, but what caused it? The theory may need revisions. Was there just a single hot dense dot that exploded (or no explosion but rather an expansion called inflation)? Right now, no one know for sure.

    There are other theories that are coming out which I am not too familiar with. I heard there is something called parallel Universe (or “M” theory). The theory states that our universe, which lies on a membrane, collided into another universe (membrane) that is hidden in higher dimensions. The collision scientist claims is similar to the big bang. I don’t know the validity of the theory or know it in depth, but physicist believes this may be a strong possibility. Perhaps more likely than the big bang. If it is true, textbooks may need to be rewritten. We don’t live in a universe, but rather in a multiverse.

    I don’t know. It’s really complex and mind boggling. I don’t really understand it and most people don’t.

  • People often confuse the scientific term “theory”, with how non-scientists use the term, implying that it is just a guess. In science, a theory is used to explain some type of phenomena (or process, event, etc). For an explanation to gain the notoriety of being called a Scientific Theory, it has to come from an enormous amount of compelling evidence. At that point, the odds of the “theory” being wrong is extremely slim. That said, maybe the specific details of how the theory works could be slightly altered with greater understanding over time (aka, evolution). But the theory itself is still being confirmed as basically factual. The term “theory” in science, should almost be synonymous with “fact”. It’s just the terminology we use. These “theories” will never someday be moved into a new category of “fact”. They are already at the highest category of credibility. Science will always speak of the theory of gravity as a “theory”, even though we know that if you drop a rock, it will fall. I observed that the last rock I dropped fell, and the scientific explanation of that occurrence is called the “theory of gravity”. And that theory could be used to predict future events, but what if I drop the rock today and it doesn’t fall? Science always leaves the door open for different observations in the future that could change our theory, no matter how unlikely that is. It really sounds silly to a layperson, but it is just how science operates. “Scientific facts” are always “pending additional information”.

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  • Hi, a Theory is just that, a theory, an unproven idea that shows promise of being a fact.

    The Big Bang is a ‘theory’ of what MAY have happened at the beginning of the universe, but as yet there is not enough data to make it any more than a theory.

    Until more data is found to support it or another theory is proved correct it will remain a theory.

    Good Luck.

    Source(s): Research the different ideas of where the universe came from, you may be surprised by the amount of ‘theories’ there are to explain it.

  • Well, actually the definition of a theory is something that has been proved over and over again, so it basically is a fact. Scientists only say that because nothing can ever be 1% proven to be correct.

    That is where big bang “non-believers” get messed up, because they say that it is just a theory. But they are actually thinking of the definition of a hypothesis (a guess) and not looking at the definition of a theory.

  • There are no “facts” per se in science when explaining phenomena, only theories. The phenomenon itself is the fact. Theories cannot be proven, only disproven. Even Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity,” which is generally accepted as fact, is still a theory. As well as the theory of evolution. If something is a theory, it doesn’t mean it’s not true. It’s called a theory because it describes a phenomenon.

    And no, it has nothing to do with general acceptance or religious beliefs. It’s just a term, people.

    Check out the definition of theory linked in my sources section.

    Source(s): http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/theory

  • It is still a theory because it hasn’t been scientifically proven yet. European scientists are doing an experiment with a multi-billion dollar machine called the Large Hadron Collider that collides atoms, which will produce a smaller particle. This is said to recreate the big bang and it is suppose to happen in Spring of 29 (it has been put off for about 6 months now due to mechanical problems). Some scientists even believe that it could create a black hole but the European scientists are certain that it will not. Who knows? Can’t wait to see!

  • A theory is not a guess. That is the common use of the word but not the scientific use – just as “work,” when a scientist uses it, requires something to move not just effort to be expended.

    A theory is a framework that brings together many different phenomena. The Theory of Gravity explains everything from rain falling to planets orbiting – and much more.

    There is no theory in science that is a “fact.” Everything that science has discovered is up for reinterpretation. The “laws” are not set for all time. They can be overturned. Science is truly “Truth Without Certainty.”

    The Big Bang as a theory is still quite speculative. There is a lot of evidence to support it but is is not proven and never will be.

  • Actually it is not fact. There is another theory called Intelligent design. Neither of them can be proven completely. But if the bigbang was fact, why would so many evolutionists (such as Anthony Flew, Micheal Behe, C.S. Lewis and many others) come to reject the big bang theory and turn to intelligent design. The link to the website below gives an argument for intelligent design based solely on scientific principles

    Source(s): http://doesgodexist.com/Pamphlets/Mansproof.html

  • It is not a fact and cannot be a fact as it is no single thing. Facts are objective data gathered using instruments and observation. As no one can ever ‘observe’ the Big Bang or use any instruments to gather data “while the Big Bang happens,” it cannot be a fact. What we can do is gather objective data that supports a theory about the origin of the universe which we call the Big Bang.

    In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature supported by facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory).

    The ‘facts’ gathered to support the Big Bang theory are comprehensive and have been enhanced by 50 years of research (COBE and other satellite instruments). You may find the explanation on Wikipedia of use, for it discusses the lines of research used to support the Big Bang Theory:



    Source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_bang

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